Friday Beaver Slide edition

Cities see tax dollars while logging companies see profits. And there nary
the twain should meet.
Hard to say which came first but it's almost a safe bet loggers cut trees
long before subdivisions were laid in to provide cities with coveted tax
dollars. After all logs were once well taxed and provided all the revenue
needed that paid for schools and roads so property taxes were cheap back
then. There was the growth spurts that fueled a growing housing market.
Then came the housing bubble. That was fueled in part by out of state
buyers who sold their over priced homes there and mov... more »
Friday Beaver - Crazy oil baron edition

Can you tell me the way to the Kremlin?
The Deal
Shell ends talks with Ukraine and ExxonMobil on extracting natural gas in
the Black Sea off the coast of restive Crimea. ( In September, then
president Viktor Yanukovych said Ukraine had reached a production-sharing
agreement with a consortium including Shell, ExxonMobil and state-owned
Nadra Ukrainy to tap gas from the Skifski site in the Black Sea. Russia
plans to nationalize Crimeas gas and oil.)
In January the Shell deal was dead and the next thing you know Exxon is
making a deal with Rosneft Russ... more »
Friday Beaver - They're Back!

Back from their winter hiatus and just in time for springs' arrival.
The economy or lack there of...
It was a simple and evil plan started many many years ago. Saddle someone
with debt and you own them. Digging through history we find that a mortgage
was only for 5 to 7 years back before the great depression era. It slowly
crept up to the 30 year level and now there's even plans for a 40 year
mortgage. We've even watched car loans go from 3 to 4 years to 5 or 6 and
more. The asset becomes worthless long before the debt is paid off leaving
the borrower no choice but to do the process... more »
Friday Pussy - Ukrainian style

Ignore the insignias we're really just armed ukrainian cats on a mission.
The say the first casualty of war is the truth and while the situation in
the Ukraine isn't a war yet the truth has been well trampled by both sides
in this issue. It might have been a bit more plausible had the opposition
party not set up a stage complete with expensive sound systems and left it
up for over two months. In that case you have to question the financial
backing especially when thousands of people remained in the square. I
recall the days of the Vietnam protests where protesters had about enough... more »
Friday Pussy - The Russians are coming the Russians are coming

Okay pussies are late this week, but the Russians weren't. And just how
they'll spin their luncheon of lies on this one is anyone's guess, but one
thing's for sure the little guy isn't going to make out well no matter what
First off the U.S, has been wanting to get some type of influence in that
region for some time now. We did after all finance the Orange revolution
when it started to the tune of $5 billion. And the average "protester" this
time around got $500 a month for showing his/her displeasure in the main
square. That's about double the going rate er income of the a... more »
Friday Pussy is revolting
Just a short post to let all of you know I'm still alive and little has
changed here at the Casa. My little corner of the world is still dotted
with foreclosures in spite of being in the shadow of Boeing. Recovery? What
recovery? Popped down to the hardware store the other day to pick up same
do dad or other and was about gang tackled before I got to the front door
by the red vested hoards. Passing by bags of compost, "No sir I'm not
needing any of this" I replied. And upon browsing the aisles I was accosted
by no less than 5 other clerks offering their assistance. If only we could... more »
Friday Pussy - Valentine edition

Sports Illustrated has their swim suit edition which is odd because the
gals appear to be only wearing one half their swim suits. Much like the
joke "panties half off" except this time it was sans tops.
Plushenko drops out of the olympics. Not that I care after the Salt Lake
city fiasco and anyway who wants to watch a bunch of skaters dressed like
Weather has been weird. We've gotten little to no rain over the winter
while the east coast gets creamed with snow and the UK is swimming. And
they say there's no climate change. Yeah right.
And tune in to just about any newsp... more »
Friday Pussy - Is pissed

Nothing like getting kicked while you're down. The senate in the last two
weeks voted first to give their corporate masters a nice after christmas
christmas present with a 4 billion dollar farm bill subcity. Part of that
was done on the backs of the poor and the working poor who'll see their
food stamps cut $90 a month on average.
If that wasn't bad enough the senate also failed to pass an unemployment
extension, something they failed to do before christmas but again voted it
down yesterday. What's truly irritating was that the democratic leader
Harry Reid voted against it.
Lastl... more »
Friday Pussy - Mirror mirror on the wall
What the hell is going on? Warm up the pixels to the world and let's have
the latest here it comes. I'm a poet and didn't know it. Longfellow move
over here I come.
Trite you say? You want trite? Justin Boo Boo would fit the bill. Who f'in
cares? Slap the kid on the "no fly list" and we'll never see the likes of
him again at least not in this country. Problem solved. Now that's
entertainment unless unless....
Unless you look at politics in NY or New Jersey. Sheesh! They just might
run out of prosecuting attorneys before that's all over. Nothing could be
more humiliating and degra... more »
Friday Pussy - economy edition

You may recall china just a few months ago going with a stimulus package of
several hundred billion to pump up a slowing economy. It appears that
didn't quite work. While the idea of government spending generally works in
a slowing economy it didn't work in this case for a couple of reasons.
First off the bulk of the money never made it to the workers who actually
spend the money. It went to the main banks and shadow banks who neatly
siphoned off the money to themselves and their investors. All well and good
for a while until the bill came due and it's about to do just that. Bonds
... more »
Friday Pussy - Late edition

GRANTS PASS, Ore. (AP) — A federal appeals court ruled Friday that bloggers
and the public have the same First Amendment protections as journalists
when sued for defamation: If the issue is of public concern, plaintiffs
have to prove negligence to win damages.
Okay not much to write about. Just the usual murder mayhem and mass weather
messes ala wash rinse repeat. Net went out and after jiggering and diddling
it was discovered that a connection had worn out. How does a connection
wear out when it's never been moved?
So it's official you can now call an asshole an asshole. That's s... more »
Friday pussy - Republican bashing time

Why I hate republicans
Republicans are liars - "I am not a crook".
Republicans have voted over 42 times to repeal the Affordable Health Care
Republican health care plan is if you get sick, die quickly.
Republican budget was nothing but tax cuts for the rich.
Republicans have no jobs bill in fact they voted against anything that
looked like a jobs bill.
Republican think that wars have to be paid for by the poor.
Republicans cut funds for food stamps and meal on wheels.
Republicans while getting us into war didn't want to pay for it.
Republicans hate blacks unless they can be used f... more »
Friday Pussy Mortality figures edition

Happy New Year now let the death and destruction continue!
Snow blasts the northeast killing 9. Four shot dead in Cairo as clashes
continue throughout the country. Iraqi security forces kill 62 suspected
Al-qaida militants. Unearthed WWII bomb explodes in Hamburg, Germany
killing at least one. Record low temperatures set in Green Bay, Wis. at
minus 18. ( Let's wait to see how many that will kill). Three people dead
as police turn on striking Cambodian garment workers. Car bomb blasts
Beirut yesterday at least 5 dead.
And what tale of mayhem would be complete without the usual driv... more »
Friday Pussy Modern communications edition

Hard to write when you're having computer glitches, you know those gremlins
that pop up and either cut you off or freeze your screen. It's a momentary
irritation for an old Mac. Don't forget to upgrade unless of course you've
upgraded to the very last incarnation that the system will bear or is it
bare I get those two mixed up at times? No, we're in the age of a paradigm
shift as I see it and blogging just may go the way of the BBS service of
yesteryear. There's far better ways these days with Livestream, Youtube
and instant video communications. It's amazing that anybody still pa... more »
Friday Pussy - Late holiday version

Digging through some information about the fukushima nuclear disaster I
find that radiation has reached the Canadian coast. There is at present no
accurate information as both our governments are hiding the facts from us.
Canada quit keeping records and there isn't enough information from West
coast monitoring to give a complete picture but one thing is certain,
things don't look good. In other words enjoy your pacific caught fish while
you can. It may be inedible in the not too distant future.
And what other wonderful things are there to report this fine holiday
season? No unem... more »
Friday pussy - pre holiday edition

Wholesale prices drop for the third straight month in a row.
Not buying that (pun intended). Aside from a few items at the grocery store
that have gone down in price most items have gone up. Gas is down maybe 70
cents from what it was a year ago. The Fed keeps buying our debt like there
was a fire sale in order to keep the banks afloat. So let's face facts,
we're screwed. Might as well eat drink and feel merry because when merry
leaves we'll have to jump for joy and joy isn't all that good looking :-) .
Let's face facts. The only way out of this economic mess is to raise taxes
on th... more »
Friday pussy - useless news edition

Sorry for the lack of posts lately but due to some technical difficulties
and a lack of motivation... you get the picture.
Nelson Mandela has passed
I feel sorry for the guy. Not that he died but what they'll do with his
legacy. You can just about hear Limpballs getting a loogie ready to spit on
his grave. And if you don't believe that stop to consider that Raygun
vetoed a bill that put sanctions on the South African government until it
ended Apartheid. Had congress not overridden his veto history might be
Sound of Music has 18.5 million viewers
I'd bet you get about... more »
Friday pussy - post thanksgiving edition (burp)

It's that time of year again when people stuff themselves then go comatose
watching football on TV and lest we forget the sales at the store for stuff
you probably don't need or want. Gave up on that years ago when things were
about as tight economically speaking. Loads of useless stuff clogs the
arteries of closet space. Is that a tie dyed leisure suit I see covered
with dust hiding in there? Time to make a jaunt to the Goodwill.
Spend most of the day under the kitchen sink as the less than competent
cook thought that potato skins would go down the disposal. They don't. And
tearing... more »
Friday pussy - get ready for the crash
U.S takes flack for another drone attack on Pakistan. And like so many
reports before it the numbers change from two to three then six. But what
are we fighting really? We're trying to fight an ideology which is no more
winnable than fighting a war on anger. No one on this planet should be
charged with the crime of suspicion for if that was the case we'd all hang
at some point, guilty or not. We've taken warfare to the point of a total
lack of conscious but it set to go farther than that. Total unmanned UAVs
are being worked on that require no operator at all. One has to wonder ho... more »
Late Friday Pussy - closed for repairs

They just can't keep things simple. About the time you get the hang of it
some nerd has to come out with his latest and greatest upgrade that of
course doesn't work any better than the last lame version. Only the last
version was a bit more stable and definitely more familiar. So what do you
do when your system tells you that you've gone to the end of your upgrade
abilities and you can't afford a new box? Here however it's been a matter
of connection. Everything starts out okay for a few minutes or even an hour
or two in the morning then the magic wifi demons take over and it's off ... more »
Friday pussy - Very late edition
A japanese lawmaker hands the emperor a letter pointing out the disaster
at Fukushima and the people surrounding him are shocked. They aren't
shocked at the fact that this was a disaster but by the fact that this was
even brought to the attention of the emperor. The idea that the emperor
still holds such a high position (divine according to Japanese tradition)
and that no one is permitted to even look at the man in his presents is
absurd. The issue here as I see it is not one of protocol but of
responsibility. These people put on thrones have little power but are mere
figurehead... more »
Friday pussy - late edition
Wars on drugs wars on people. There seems to be a war for everything.
There's a war against women at least in some states. But no wars for the
right reasons. Nobody is really attacking us although the powers that be
would have you believe that little lie. There are no terrorists under the
bed and once the troops are pulled out of the middle east, that is if they
ever are, the "baddies" will have no reason to get their head scarfs in a
bunch. Another "top" (pick one - Al qaeda / taliban) leader bombed with a
drone. These guys are like drug lords, politicians or cockroaches, you ge... more »
Couldn't soap your windows or steal your garden gate Orson so...

Where the Samhain did this come from? People getting dressed up in disguise
and roaming the streets for treats? It's just another of our silly
superstitions. Fearing the shortening of daylight and the coming of winter
it was an odd celebration of the end of harvest. Huge bonfires were lit
presumably to scare off evil spirits and people dressed in elaborate animal
skins and heads in an attempt to disguise themselves from the real spirits
and demons, or so it's reported.
And what post here wouldn't be complete without at least one wooden stake
waved at the other side of the aisle... more »
Friday pussy - Lions tigers and bears edition

Everything seems to be a flub up. Nothing seems right. Which leads one to
believe that this was the result of years of practice. This didn't happen
over night. Pick any story any news item and it's a safe bet that it was a
concerted effort. Forget weapons of mass destruction we have mass stupidity
now and everybody has a say. Psychosis was once treated at a mental
hospital. Now it's set on a pedestal and fed to us on a daily basis. How
crazy is it to say that having health care will kill you? And forget the
investigations because how many times has a product failed to meet
custome... more »
Report from the emerald city - well almost

A look with jaded eye upon the news of the world but I'm no green cub
reporter ya know.
You know there's nothing to write about when the headline crawl includes
the latest misadventures of Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus or Britany Spears. Sorry
guys they're just about at the end of their shelf life. So don't be
surprised if one of their next stunts involves riding naked on a white
horse down main street. Got to do something to revive your ratings you
know. Maybe a little more exercise would do wonders for the middle age
And while you were busy watching your pennies roll down the ... more »
Hit the road Jack

Dear senators and congressmen
It has come to my attention that you make far more than 8 times what
someone at the federal poverty level makes in earnings and with local taxes
and fees going up those people have no other choice but to seek assistance
from the government. Since you in congress have voted down any bill to
provide jobs and the burden of educational costs have been shifted to
students and their parents over the last 30 or 40 years, it only makes
sense that you resign from office and let someone else take on the task.
You do after all seem to hate government by your la... more »
Friday pussy - pre Halloween edition

We now return you to your regularly scheduled mundane life. Nothing to see
here keep shopping.
What's new purry cat? No joy in Mudville that's for sure. Fukushima is
still Fuking us. Forget GMOs we have bigger fish to fry. Fear not they'll
come pre fried complete with your daily dose of Cesium. It destroys bones
12 ways Mr Wonder bread. Cause after all it's GE that brings good things to
death. Who said you had to pass that nuclear reactor design class to make
it to the big leagues?
And in other news a 99 year old woman married a 103 year old man. Rather
tan say "I do" she probabl... more »
This isn't the knight of Nea ya know

The more things change the more they stay the same. In reading about the
Knights Templar we find the basis for much of today's economic and social
mayhem. Seems the names may have changed but the game is the same. There
was once slight difference between now and then. Back then it was the sons
of noblemen who took up the arms fighting for the cause. While the primary
mission of the Templar was said to be military it's infrastructure amassed
massive wealth by issuing letters of credit to pilgrims headed to the holy
land. A pilgrim would deposit all their valuables at a local Templa... more »
Friday Pussy - Scary spice edition
But it's not what's behind you that's truly scary it's what's right in
front of you. (And Dave's not here and neither is she.)
Behind us was a stimulus package that didn't quit work. Granted it did slow
down the economic bleeding for a while but the bulk of the benefit went to
large corporations in the form of tax cuts. With the cash for clunkers and
a loan to auto makers we managed to save the auto industry here in the U.S.
Yes those were loans and they've all been paid back.
Then there was the sequester an across the board cut to all programs that
was supposed to force hands at ... more »
Tramps thieves and a worn out can

These people are idiots. The right thinks that they can cherry pick what
they want to pay and not pay without doing damage to the world economy? Try
doing that with your monthly bills and see what happens. When your credit
rating tanks you'll land up paying payday loan rates going forward. Now
who's the responsible party in the room senator tea bagger?
Fine go ahead shut the whole thing down and I won't pay my bills either.
Let's all take a bill paying holiday until next year and see how that works
out. And just how many people have died from the current shutdown? Your
plan did... more »
Gad and Halloween isn't even here yet

Forget Dracula the Mummy the Wolfman or Frankenstein. Perish the thought of
the snakes, giant radioactive spiders or the Blob, we have the republican
party, the scariest thing on the planet to date. No creatures from outer
space could wreck such havoc and they don't need death rays or poison
gases to do their dirty work. Not so much as pen to paper does it take to
induce more pain and suffering on the world's population. A mere verbal
"No" vote and kids get food snatched from their mouths, parents scramble to
find day care and those who have nothing to do with any of this get the ... more »
Kill kill kill

(Tees now available in the lobby in small medium large and extra large)
Mirror mirror on the wall who's the deadliest of them all? Not me that's
for sure. Fire up the news and what do we see? I kid you not this is what
was being dished out on the web's magic window to the world yesterday in
exact order:
8 year old boy kills sister while driving a car
Student accidentally shot and killed by police
Inmate shoots deputy sheriff
Man kills girlfriend and 3 others in Seattle
Man sets himself on fire on the National Mall later dies
Cop killed in India
Four killed in Kenya after cleric ... more »
Friday pussy - raging edition

Road rage seems to be the new pitch fork and torches not to be confused
with text driving. And why can't I eat a full course turkey dinner whilst
tooling down the interstate? Perhaps a bit of funding of mental health
might be in order. They have pills for that don't they?
Okay okay the gal was a single mom with a kid, pregnant and just lost her
job wouldn't you be a bit depressed? No clue as to why she would go after
the prez, after all he wanted to keep things going.
To the rethuglicons you are about to get your walking papers from big
business if you think that default is a kee... more »
Shut up and get off my lawn er, health care!

How stupid can people be?
The Affordable Care Act is law. That is a fact. Nothing the republicans can
do now will stop it. And why should they? Not to sound like an ad but we
are the last industrialized nation on the planet to have health care for
all its' citizens. While it may not be a perfect program it is a start. A
beginning of something good when you stop to consider life expectancy in
this country has actually gone down over the past years. It reached a peak
of 76 for men and 81 for women or so I'm told. Have to check the exact
number later. After further review as they say... more »
Friday Pussy - Herding cats and other fun hobbies edition

(Don't google that unless you're planning on a career in gynecology)
As if life wasn't complicated enough we have bozos in congress trying to
play chicken with our lives. Think we've seen two year olds with more
smarts. Where to begin?
Like a Mexican standoff both parties are standing firm on the budget
debate. We can only hope that cooler heads prevail but haven't seen the
iceman since grandma told me about him when she was alive.
Global warming (or is it climate change?) "might" be man-made. Ya think!?
Wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that the planet went from 4
bill... more »
Random rants for a rainy day

Hump day bump day one day is good as the next. All the same you see. How
bad? Nobody really knows. Afghanistan banana stand no bananas today got
blown up in the drone hit what's the score today? Six of this half dozen of
the other but fear not nobody's keeping score. Keep the stupid news rolling
for stupid people. Hey didn't I see you on dancing with the stars? Perhaps
not, too busy fighting while in line for the latest and greatest electronic
gizmo that's soon to be obsolete in a week or two when they roll out
version 2.0. Now comes in platinum! Not falling for their tricks and su... more »
What this world needs is an enema

Bombs in Syria bombs in Iraq bombs in Pakistan it's enough to make you want
to crawl back under the covers. If guns are said to be so great and the
good guys are supposed to protect us from the bad guys then how come
they're not? And people seem to have this idea that more guns will make
everything better. No Sparky more just makes everything more dangerous. Do
you really think you could out draw an intruder when they busted in with
theirs already drawn? You couldn't get to the night stand fast enough and
by the time you got the safety off he'd fill you full of lead.
But with tod... more »
Friday beaver and the "stupid party" Part II

Is it Friday already? And this will be the last fuzzy wet beaver for the
season but fear not the pussies are coming.
The carnage on middle and lower class people continues with the House
passing the food stamp bill. Fortunately this bill must pass the senate
before it gets to the presidents' desk. The "stupid party" doesn't have as
much influence there but we've seen some pretty stupid legislation come out
of there. We did see the student loan bill emerge from its' bowels that
barely gave young people a fighting chance and god help you if you were
after a post graduate degree.
A... more »
The Stupid party Part I

The "stupid" party is at it again once more trying to rid us of having
health care. So my question to you senator or congressman idiot is why
should we pay for your health care when you won't even help pay for ours?
Spreading risk is what insurance does to lower costs. When everybody pays a
little bit into a system it's a benefit to all. It's why we don't have dirt
roads instead of paved highways although they are starting to fall apart
because your party doesn't want them repaired. In fact looking back the
last 30 or 40 years it was your party that has been the downfall of this
... more »
Just a thought

Wonder if the DC shooter was upset that his pay didn't arrive on time?
Seems 40,000 federal workers who had direct deposit weren't paid on Friday
due to a computer glitch.
Either that or one of his friends didn't get paid. At any rate it's a given
that he had paranoid feelings against his coworkers. I've seen that develop
in the workplace before. A worker thinking that people are plotting against
Now a little background on security and the checks involved. All require
reporting of any felony conv... more »