6:56am MDST
What an anti-test activist can do in a school during testing
For me, nothing, just stand aside. That’s all I can do, unless I’m prepared to jeopardize my employment and, selfishly, the employment of others in my school. I’m a Kindergarten teacher, so thankfully we are insulated from most of testing’s ill effects. But I can report on how the administration of testing during the specific […]
*Sabbath* I am taking Sunday off as my Sabbath this week. I have been battling a pesky cold this week but hope that I am well enough recovered by now to get out and about later today
Elections Canada Playing Us For Chumps
A few fine bloggers have already pointed this out but I'll link to Alison at Creekside (who, obviously is quoting other sources): A national investigation into allegations of dirty political calls has been under way for more than a year. Elections Canada had planned to wrap up that investigation by March 31. On Thursday, spokeswoman Diane Benson declined to say whether it is ongoing. The agency was expected to include information about that investigation in a “compliance and enforcement mechanisms” report to Parliament this spring. Benson said the agency has decided not to report un... more »
"You really call that a dog?"
I caught the closing minutes of this morning's *Today *programme, arriving just in time to hear Evan Davis giggling his way through an interview about the paintings of George W. Bush. Nancy Durrant of the *Times*'s various digs at Dubya - his record and his "boring" paintings - really seemed to tickle Evan's funny bone [or were his body piercings chafing him this morning?] We learned that the former president is a Sunday painter, and not a very good one - which came as a great surprise to me as I thought, after two years, that he'd be at least as great as Francis Bacon, Lucian Fre... more »
The consequences for opposing "gay marriage"
*Brendan Eich*, one of the most innovative and productive computer programmers in America, is suffering the consequences of being a traditional, normal person in the Marxist, degenerate, tyrannical and totally backwards society we live in today. Eich, the former CEO of Mozilla, recently resigned after it was discovered he opposed "gay marriage" in the state of California. *Time* reports: *Brendan Eich, who became the company's chief executive less than two weeks ago, faced a firestorm over his support in 2008 of California's Proposition 8, which banned gay marriage in the state* Th... more »
Super Size This Putin: McDonalds Pulls Out of Crimea
Only in Obama's America could something like this bit of 'news' be sold to the masses of asses by a corrupt cadre of state-corporate media that long ago chucked their first amendment responsibilities into the crapper to become careerist pressititutes riding on the rogue government gravy train. Those economic sanctions that have hurled at Russia with as much real effect as Zell Miller's legendary "spitballs" now are getting some *real* clout as the punishment towards the reincarnated red menace grows a set of teeth. McDonalds, the tip of the spear of the corporate American imperial... more »
War Watch April 4 , 2014 - Afghanistan Presidential Election( First Round ) in focus ( Security is the watch word ) - One foreign journalist has been killed and another critically wounded in a shooting in eastern Afghanistan, a day before the country's presidential elections -- Assaults targeting international observers and the election commission itself have left open questions regarding the legitimacy and the security of Saturday's vote -- Taliban gunmen have abducted an Afghan candidate running for a seat in the provincial council of Sar-i-Puland and seven members of his entourage, an Afghan official has said. . ....... Ahead of their own Election in April , Iraq death counts mount ....... Syrian refugees hit the one million mark just for Lebanon , Syria Opposition makes accusation of Assad use of chemical weapons once again , battles near Damascus delay chemical shipments .....
Catharsis Ours - 1 hour ago
Afghanistan...... AL Jazeera...... Foreign journalist killed in east Afghanistan One reporter shot dead and another critically injured in border area, a day before presidential polls. Last updated: 04 Apr 2014 08:18 <iframe allowtransparency="true" class="twitter-share-button twitter-tweet-button twitter-count-horizontal" data-twttr-rendered="true" frameborder="0" id="twitter-widget-1" scrolling="no" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets/tweet_button.1395870373.html#_=1396602271165&count=horizontal&counturl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aljazeera.com%2Fnews%2Fasia%2F2014%2F04%2Fforeign-journal... more »
CIA Official Dies in Apparent Suicide ?? WTF ?
http://freebeacon.com/national-security/cia-official-dies-in-apparent-suicide/ CIA Official Dies in Apparent Suicide Death did not take place at CIA headquarters [image: (Wikimedia)] (Wikimedia) BY: Bill Gertz April 4, 2014 11:46 pm A senior CIA official has died in an apparent suicide this week from injuries sustained after jumping off a building in northern Virginia, according to sources close to the CIA. CIA spokesman Christopher White confirmed the death and said the incident did not take place at CIA headquarters in McLean, Va. “We can confirm that there was an individua... more »
The biggest, baddest corporation on earth? (No, not the BBC)
The short but interesting British East India Company discussion on last night's *Newsnight *was prompted by the commissioning of a major new BBC drama. Here's how Emily Maitlis introduced the discussion last night: "It was the equivalent of the CIA, the NSA and the biggest, baddest multinational corporation on earth, all rolled into one self-righteous, religiously-motivated monolith." That's the writer Steven Knight's take on the East India Company and the subject of his major new drama the BBC has commissioned to be produced by Sir Ridley Scott. Ridley Scott himself has said, ... more »
Enjoy The Journey - A Quote by M.N. Hopkins
*Enjoy the journey, miss not the beauty around and the joy of discovery. Keep joy close at hand and all dangers will disappear as you approach them along the way.* M.N. Hopkins
*The IPCC's Latest Report Deliberately Excludes And Misrepresents Important Climate Science* This week, the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is releasing its latest report, the “Working Group II Contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report.” Like its past reports, this one predicts apocalyptic consequences if mankind fails to give the UN the power to tax and regulate fossil fuels and subsidize and mandate the use of alternative fuels. But happily, an international group of scientists I have been privileged to work with has conducted an independent rev... more »
Top 10 Energy Drink Dangers
Top 10 Energy Drink Dangers by Caffeine Informer The dangers of energy drinks are getting a lot of press because of the sheer volume of energy stimulating products in the marketplace and the ease of access to these by minors. While most energy drinks don’t have as much caffeine as a Starbucks’ coffee, they are heavily sweetened and easy to drink, which appeals more to the younger demographic. Therefore, we are seeing increased incidents of those 18 and younger having dangerous side effects from consuming too many energy drinks at one time. Top Ten Dangers of Drinking too Many... more »
'Newsnight': 31 March-4 April
Time again for this week's list of stories covered by *Newsnight *(plus details of those interviewed). What does it tell you about BBC bias? *Monday 31/3* 1. *Government pledges full employment*. What is full employment? Interview with Nicky Morgan MP (Con) 2. *Tuition fees*: is the present scheme working? Interview with David Willetts (Con) and John Denham (Lab) 3. *Climate change adaptation.* Roger Harrabin reports. 4.* Social network addiction*: "They were sold as way to freedom, but are screens enslaving us?". Report by Professor Tanya Byron. 5. *Should Germans make jokes about... more »
Hooperon dark matter may be boosted by dwarf galaxies and even LUX
Exactly one month ago, I wrote about two dark matter stories: the proposal by Randall and Reece to link extinctions to dark matter; and some unusually strong (formally 40-sigma) signals supporting the existence of the hooperon, a WIMP dark matter particle candidate with mass between \(30\) and \(40\GeV\). (See Jester's classification of the tantalizing dark matter particle clues.) *Some sources of the gamma rays seem to clearly shine near the Galactic center (but almost 5,000 light years from the center) even if the known sources are removed.* Lisa Grossman of Nude Socialist (and... more »
Alam of Troy
Going back to the post before last, it looks as if the BBC is continuing to pursue the claims of an Islamic Trojan Horse plot in certain Birmingham schools. The BBC News website's *Education *page is leading with: 'Islam plot' started '20 years ago' An ex-teacher at a Birmingham school alleged to be the target of a 'Islamist takeover' claims it began 20 years ago. Michael White, who was dismissed in 2003 from Park View School, in Alum Rock, said its board of governors was "taken over by a Muslim sect" in 1993. He said he told the local education authority (LEA) but his claims were... more »
How Trudeau Was Upstaged
So Justin Trudeau arrived in our region yesterday to beat the political war drum. I had planned to write a bit on it and was actually in the process of doing up a post when his majesty was upstaged as a result of a Facebook conversation I had, not with le bebe but with a former student of mine from Nunavut. I won't mention names or communities here but can say that her kind words were heart-warming and inspiring and provided a welcome end to a long work day. As a bit of background, I taught in a couple different Nunavut communities from 2003 to 2009, spending 2 years in Qikiqtarju... more »
*This Simple Trailer Has Everything You Need to Deal With Disaster~Alexander George, Wired* ~Hat Tweet @Noladishu
Maybe Rush's listeners don't care about picking up their poochy-poop anyways?
*Daily Kos's ProgLegs notes*: *"Dog Doody Duty's rates depend on frequency of service and number of dogs. They do offer a flat fee of $50 for a one time visit, but indicate that certain jobs may result in additional charges. So how much would it cost to remove El Rushbo?"* *by Ken* "You can't make this stuff up," Daily Kos's ProgLegs began a diary yesterday called "Rush Limbaugh Can't Even Keep Dog Turd Removal Ads on his Right Wing Clown Show." What you can't make up here is the news that the giant gasbag has been dumped by an advertiser promoting doggie-poop pickup services: ... more »
“5 Things Conservatives Lie Shamelessly About”
*“5 Things Conservatives Lie Shamelessly About”* By Amanda Marcotte “Mark Twain once famously said, “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” Twain wasn’t praising lies with this comment, of course, but modern-day conservatives seem to think he was dishing out advice instead of damning the practice of dishonesty. Conservatives have figured out a neat little rhetorical trick: One lie is easy for your opponents to debunk. Tell one lie after another, however, and your opponent’s debunkings will never catch up. By the time the liberal opposit... more »
Moving on to Benghazi, is there any possibility that in THIS case GOP demagogues will own up to their crusade of lies?
*Any chance the lying right-wing liars will stop lying about Benghazi?* *"Is there any accountability in American politics for being completely wrong? Is there any cost to those who say things that turn out not to be true and then, when their fabrications or false predictions are exposed, calmly move on to concocting new claims as if they had never made the old ones?"* *-- E. J. Dionne Jr., in his *Washington Post *column yesterday,* "The GOP must admit it was wrong on Obamacare" *by Ken* Last night I wrote ("E. J. Dionne Jr. asks if there's accountability for the Rs' wrong-wrong-w... more »
Traditional Inuit Clothing
Traditional Inuit clothing consisted of a parka, pants and mittens made from caribou or sealskin (worn in one or two layers according to the season), and up to four layers of footwear. Each garment was tailored to fit the individual. The seamstress, relying on years of experience to determine the shapes and sizes of pattern pieces, used hand, string and eye to measure, or used already existing garments as models. You can see this type of clothing worn daily in Nunavut.
Today the CEOs of banks that engage in monstrous fraud are not even indicted, much less jailed. The last time such a criminal CEO was actually sent to prison was back in 1987 when there were laws on the book against accounting control fraud and the government actually fielded a few regulators of financial institutions. Even so, these regulators were threatened by the perps and hassled by five Senators (the "Keating Five") bought by the perps. On this video, the valiant regulator who put Keating away despite all of this pressure tells this story with good humor in less than 12 minutes.
------------------------------ Original Here *Charles Keating, the Financier Behind the Savings and Loan Scandal, Dies at 90* Bill Black: While Wall Street executives responsible for the subprime mortgage crisis were never indicted, Charles Keating was criminally prosecuted for the 1980s S&L scandal - *April 3, 14* *Bio* William K. Black, author of THE BEST WAY TO ROB A BANK IS TO OWN ONE, teaches economics and law at the University of Missour... more »
BrasscheckTV is a free provider of videos of current relevance, particularly things that you don't know but you really ought to.
------------------------------ *The CEO who said "No" to the NSA* *"It's illegal, it's unconstitutional"* *The government jailed him in retaliation* In February of 2001, six months before 9/11, the NSA illegally sought (and received) the private data of the customers of phone companies all over the country in a warrantless search program. One CEO, Qwest CEO Joseph Nacchio, said "No!" The NSA cancelled its contracts with the company and then in retaliation for his refusal to give in to intimidation filed an entirely bogus insider trading case against him. Here's the timeline: 1.... more »
Walter Benjamin's Theses on Writing
Lazy night again. So this is borrowed from here. *THE WRITER’S TECHNIQUE IN THIRTEEN THESES* 1. Anyone intending to embark on a major work should be lenient with himself and, having completed a stint, deny himself nothing that will not prejudice the next. 2. Talk about what you have written, by all means, but do not read from it while the work is in progress. Every gratification procured in this way will slacken your tempo. If this regime is followed, the growing desire to communicate will become in the end a motor for completion. 3. In your working conditions avoid everyday medio... more »
Arguing a lawyers bill is reasonable when seeking costs does not bar a later assessment of that account as unreasonable
Ghaeinizadeh v. Bennett Jones LLP, 2014 ONCA 267 is yet another case showing lawyers ought not to argue an assessment is unavailable - generally speaking the client can always assess: [23] The issue in this case is whether that holding applies where the client has submitted in the previous court for the purpose of obtaining costs from the defendants that the accounts of their previous solicitor were reasonable. In my view, it does. While abuse of process is a broad doctrine, it is important that it not be stretched beyond the core interests of protecting the integrity of the a... more »
NAFTA At 20: A $1.2 Trillion Dollar Mistake That Only Enriched Corporations/Connected Individuals (Middle Class Has Been Scheduled for Devastation for Decades)
I'm a little behind in publishing this essay. Forgive me, but it's all good. (And, yes, it's long, but worth your while - and the selected readers' comments show quite a bit of pizzazz!) March 28, 2014 Campaign for America's Future Blog NAFTA At 20: “A Vehicle To Increase Profits At The Expense Of Democracy” by Dave Johnson Thursday the AFL-CIO released a new report, NAFTA at 20. The
Nutrition-- Educating Doctors
I spent almost two years wandering around the Indian subcontinent between 1969 and 1971-- Afghanistan, Pakistan, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), Nepal and, of course, every region of India. I lived in my van and was broke most of the time and had no choice but to eat whatever the locals were eating. When I got back to Europe I came down with a debilitating illness. No need to go into the gruesome details but I wound up under the care of an elderly physician in Innsbruck who decided he would have to operate on me and that I would have to stay in Innsbruck for six months. Innsbruck is lovel... more »
*Zero Tolerance Hurts Kids and Ruins Schools* *We need common sense in our schools, not mindless bureaucratic compliance* Virginia Beach sixth-grader Adrionna Harris took a razor away from a troubled student who was cutting himself and threw it in the trash. When school administrators found out, they gave her a certificate of merit for helping a classmate. Ha, ha! Of course they didn’t. They gave her a 10-day suspension, with a recommendation that she be expelled. For three or four seconds there, she was in possession of a dangerous object in violation of the school’s zero-tolera... more »
Happy Birthday NATO- "Peace" bombing for 65 years now!
65 years of overt and covert warfare. Boy that is something to celebrate...... or not. Of course NATO delivers 'democracy' in so many ways *Overtly- via massive bombing raids- Ground invasions- Drone strikes* [image: http://crossedcrocodiles.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/natobombs-2.jpg] NATO-Libya [image: natobomb2]NATO- Yugoslavia [image: A US-led trooper check details of a poppy field in an area of Afghanistan]NATO assisting in the opium/heroin trade *And covertly through numerous destabilization campaigns* Syria, of course, comes to my mind But who can forget Operatio... more »
We’re not in Finland any more, Vinny!
*FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 2014* *Notes on our broken discourse:* Kevin Drum actually talks about our public schools! We’re very glad he does. Among liberal pundits within the guild, very few others do. That said, the American discourse is deeply broken in virtually every area. In virtually every subject area, the discourse is ruled by bogus claims which track to various tribes. Our public discourse is tribal narrative, pretty much all the way down. Through no particular fault of his own, Drum’s post in praise of New Jersey’s schools helps illustrate that point. Drum linked to this post... more »
*Champ Bailey agrees to 2-year deal with Saints, source says ~Ramon Antonio Vargas, New Orleans Advocate* *Champ Bailey: 'I’m going to try to be a part of something special' ~Saints*
*The basic underlying, uniting and healing force of the universe is a psychic energy field of love and soul consciousness (The **Unified Field** ) which lies not only beyond time and space but also beneath our deepest fears ~ and whose principle property is the universal urge to unite. It’s now on Kindle: Allen L Roland* In physics, a unified field theory, occasionally referred to as a uniform field theory, is a type of field theory that allows all that is usually thought of as fundamental forces and elementary particles to be written in terms of a single field.* Wikipedia* ... more »
WAR IN THE GULF - Gorbachev Fears War's Expansion Beyond U.N. Aims
MOSCOW -- President Mikhail S. Gorbachev warned yesterday that the Persian Gulf war is threatening to grow beyond the United Nations' mandate into a catastrophic regional conflict involving chemical and nuclear weapons. He said he was dispatching a personal envoy to Baghdad to meet Saddam Hussein and appealed again to the Iraqi leader to "display realism" and open the way to a settlement. The statement, released by the Tass news agency and read on television last night, said "developments in the gulf zone are taking an ever more alarming and dramatic turn." "The logic of milit... more »
Martin Luther King's April 4, 1967 speech on America & the Vietnam war.
April 4: I tried, I really did....
....to find something worth commenting on in Section A. At last, on page 8, I found something. It's the best I can do. "Senior dog left abandoned....." It wasn't the story itself that got me. (I can think of no other daily that would have run a story of an abandoned dog as being a big, news story.) What got me was the "Senior dog" part. I have never seen that term used before - old dog,yes; but not senior dog. Usually "senior" is a polite way of referring to old people, not dogs or white mice or blue jays. I think this is a pioneer step in our treatment of animals. But we should do ... more »
Electric Company was here today trying to put a Smart Meter on my home. I said Refused to allow him to do so.
I just got a knock on my door. It appears Smart Meters have come to my area. I have already called the company in the past, telling them I will never accept a smart meter. That was a couple of years ago. Here is a letter I had published last year to send for people to your electrical company, refusing a smart meter. A man rang my doorbell and when I opened the door, I saw him standing
Post-ISA Blogging: Does “Star Wars” Count as Science Fiction?
Many Ducks are posting about their highlights from #ISA2014. Mine – aside from the Bloggers’ Reception and the many smart junior scholars I met in the lobby – was a meta-theoretical twitter conversation with former Duck Patrick Thaddeus Jackson occurring as I was headed to the airport. First the context. Just before departing, I live-tweeted Chris Continue reading
I love this song and video... "Sparks - "Lighten Up Morrissey" (official video)" on YouTube
Sparks - "Lighten Up Morrissey" (official video): http://youtu.be/LwIrFTo495E
The CIA Gets To Redact The Report That Exposes Them As Liars And Torturers?
Yesterday, while House conservatives were voting for the 52nd time to deny health insurance to American working families, the Senate was up to something seemly more interesting-- and potentially more productive. After voting 61-35 for a cloture bill to shut down the Republican filibuster of legislation to extend unemployment benefits, the Senate Intelligence Committee voted, 11-3, to declassify parts-- the 400-page executive summary along with the conclusions and recommendations-- of its controversial report on the Bush-Cheney torture regime. I'm pretty confident that the main po... more »
Celebrating the courage of those who exposed US torture as it happened
Political prisoners rally Denver 2008 Democratic National Convention Celebrating the courage of those who exposed US torture as it happened, from Tucson and Denver to the Hague By Brenda Norrell Censored News TUCSON -- In Tucson in 2007, there was a movement to expose US torture, while the mainstream media trembled and turned away. Human rights attorney Bill Quigley was in a Tucson
Go You FuCHing Habs Go!
When my Habs have a remarkable chance to do some damage in the playoffs.It tickles Pavlovan joy in my sport gene stimulating streams of consciousness cascading excitement. Indisputably interesting times. Filled with hope, for a cup and a ring for that dang team. Refueling memories that keep the faith burning like a flower that rarely produces seed in Spring At the last possible moment moved Vanek into the Stanley Cup sweeps. Literally and figuratively fated to carry the team along with him. MB busted a legendary move acquiring a Frank Mahovlich instead of a Peter. Its Vanek that ha... more »
WORLD WITHOUT FACTS, AMEN: Rachel Maddow jumps the snark!
*FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 2014* *Part 4—World of bad faith, amen:* In many ways, the Mastro report is low-grade, low-IQ work. It does seem to present some new information concerning Team Christie’s pursuit of an endorsement from Fort Lee’s Mayor Sokolich. But concerning that topic and others, it reaches conclusions which can’t be reached. It marshals its evidence foolishly at times. In short, the Mastro report strongly resembles much of our modern “journalism.” Consider what happened when Rachel Maddow angrily proved that the Mastro report was built on an act of “slut shaming.” The repor... more »
The "Petty Game" of Denying a U.S. Visa to Iran's New UN Ambassador
Hamid Abutalebi It has become increasingly clear that the United States government has deliberately delayed issuing a visa to Hamid Abutalebi, Iran's new Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York City. Abutalebi, a career diplomat who has previously served as Iran's ambassador to the European Union, Australia, Belgium, and Italy, was appointed to succeed outgoing ambassador
Armenian-Canadians Protest@Turkish Consulate- Turkey strikes Syria
Extremely limited NATO news coverage. I could only find CTV giving much more then a passing mention. Same as when the anti-fascists Ukrainians protested. Virtual news black-out. Anti-fascist/anti-Bandera protests in Canada- Russian entry bans? What a difference from when the pro-fascist 'protests' were happening in Canada. Those staged, perception managed, shows for the camera got lots of NATO media coverage. Even on the *Tell-a-vision.* Here's the scoop- Kudos to these Canadians! And remember the Armenians had been safe in Syria. They were living alongside their Syrian neighbours. ... more »
Common Core Corporate Standards Floating Around in an Evidence Free Zone
* A compacted version of this op-ed was published by the Memphis Commercial Appeal.* *Arguments for Common Core Offer No Evidence that Learning Will Improve* *Jim Horn* The implementation of Common Core State Standards (CCSS) represents the most grand curriculum experiment in educational history with the least amount of evidence to back it up. Even so, Common Core enthusiasts often ridicule detractors of cram-down curriculum reform and supporters of local educational autonomy by pointing out that the Standards are not federal in origin and that they are not driven by a national con... more »
Use Firefox? No more Truth Revolt for you...
*change browsers, or else.* This is ridiculous. The message at Truth Revolt: Hello there, Mozilla Firefox user.Pardon this interruption of your TruthRevolt experience. Mozilla recently forced its CEO, Brendan Eich, to resign over his personal support for traditional marriage. The firing followed a vicious smear campaign against Eich by dating website OKCupid, in which OKCupid blocked Mozilla users from visiting their website. We would therefore prefer that our users not use Mozilla software to access TruthRevolt, given Mozilla’s crackdown on political and religious positions held ... more »
Paper: It's valuable to lie and cheat in the name of AGW
Climate Depot has informed us about a new remarkable paper in *American Journal of Agricultural Economics* Information Manipulation and Climate Agreements by Hong (Nanyang) and Zhao (Hong Kong). The paper discusses a simple mathematical model in "game theory" of a sort and concludes that if you want many countries to join the climatic hysterical treaties, it's a great idea to lie and manipulate/varnish the information. They explicitly state that "Al Gore, the IPCC, and the mainstream media varnish their reports to accentuate the damages of climate change" and they ask why it is so.... more »
Big Mountain Spring Training Camp 2014
BIG MOUNTAIN SPRING TRAINING CAMP MAY 16th-23rd, 2014 BIG MOUNTAIN, DINEH NATION “What we are trying to save—the Female Mountain—is alive. She is alive, she has blood flowing through her veins, which is the Navajo Aquifer, and the coal they are digging is Her liver. They are destroying Her.”–Marie Gladue, Big Mountain Relocation Resister “We need to exercise our right to be human. To
Satire: “Boehner: ‘I Don’t Want to Live in a World Where Seven Million People Get Affordable Health Care’”
*“Boehner: ‘I Don’t Want to Live in a World Where * *Seven Million People Get Affordable Health Care’”* by Andy Borowitz WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— “A riveting scene unfolded in Congress today as a tearful Speaker John Boehner took to the floor of the House to tell his colleagues, “I don’t want to live in a world where seven million people get affordable health care.” Tears streaming down his cheeks, Rep. Boehner appeared unable to maintain his composure as he delivered a speech interrupted by blubbering and sharp intakes of breath. “What kind of a world is it where anyone ca... more »
Uranium is Chemically and Radiologically Toxic
Loomis, B. & Ye Hee Lee, M. (2014, April 4) Navajos Will Get $1 Billion to Clean up Uranium. The Arizona Republic A1, A9. Majia here: The Navajos will receive 1 Billion to help clean up 85 years of uranium pollution from Anadarko Petroleum, which acquired KerrMcGee in 2006, the polluter. Here is what the article has to say about the consequences of the pollution: In Arizona, uranium contamination – both to one-time Navajo miners and to people who live and draw water near the mines – has wrought untold health consequences. Victims frequently report kidney maladies or cancers, and th...more »
Anyone need to hire a person who is good with Research, Sales and other things. Truthful and Honesty. I need employment and putting the information out.
Well, I am posting this because I need employment and income. This blog is a hobby. People may believe I make money from it, but I don't. I make around $100 per month from the Google ads, that is it. I have never asked for 'donations' and I never will. I believe in doing what I can for others and I believe the universe 'God' will provide. But at this point, I need to get income
How many were at the 3/30 protest? Thank god we have the establishment media to tell us
[image: around_95] Great Sunflower links at the bottom, don't miss 'em. On to WSJ's bizarre estimate of the crowd last weekend.... How many were at the 3/30 protest? Thank god we have the establishment media to tell us, otherwise we might believe the horrible crowd organizers and civic groups. WSJ China Realtime blog decided to tell us how many people attended the 3/30 protest with predictably political results.... Like Mr. Jacobs, student organizers in Taipei also used overhead photos, though they were somewhat less precise in analyzing them. According to Chen Rui-Guang, a represe... more »
SPECIAL REPORT: Palestinians in Flagrant Violation of At Least 11 of 15 Treaties Abbas Just Signed - The Tower - The Tower
' Palestinians in Flagrant Violation of At Least 11 of 15 Treaties Abbas Just Signed' The details are here http://www.thetower.org/0096-special-report-palestinians-in-flagrant-violation-of-11-of-15-conventions-signed-this-week/but never on the BBC.
White Dog: The rest of the story
White Dog in my stepson's Vancouver apartmentI've been posting a lot of White Dog updates on Facebook but realized that not everyone who saw my first blog post on her is my Facebook friend and might be wondering how the story ended. It ended well. White Dog is now settled in her new home in Cumberland, and judging by the little video I saw yesterday of her bouncing around with my daughter and her family on a Comox Valley beach, settling in quite nicely. And just like childbirth, all the hassle has been forgotten just seeing how happy she is to be here and how happy my family i... more »
The Oil Barons Are In Charge
The conventional wisdom, Linda McQuaig writes, is that ordinary people don't understand the science of climate change: It’s we ordinary people, with our self-absorption or resistance to change, who are the prime culprits in the world’s failure to act against climate disaster. But that's backwards: By focusing on the alleged failure of ordinary people to tackle climate change, we take our eyes off the real culprits behind the drapes — the fossil fuel industry and lickspittle governments, the best example being the one in Ottawa. Big Fossil is the wealthiest and most powerful lob... more »
It's exactly 65 years since the world's largest military alliance was formed. For decades, NATO was the Western world's joint defense against a Cold War enemy. But with those days long gone, are its mission and huge budget still justified?
Arbeit Macht Frei, Save American Workers Act of 2014-- GOP And Blue Dogs Go For 52nd Vote To Kill The Affordable Care Act
Ever hear the German phrase *Arbeit macht frei*? The literal translation is fairly neutral: "work makes you free." But the reason the phrase resonates for people around the world is because when Jews, gypsies, union leaders, gays and other victims of the right-wing apocalypse of the 1940s arrived at the Auschwitz, Theresienstadt and Dachau death camps this phrase, in metal letters, was the first thing they saw above the gates. Work did not make them free. Today far right Indiana Congressman Todd Young had bis bill, H.R. 2575, the Save American Workers Act of 2014, voted on. I'm not... more »
*Vegetarians are slimmer but sicker* *Which is interesting, though not really surprising. More interesting is that the various permutations of meat-eating did not seem to affect anything* Nutrition and Health – The Association between Eating Behavior and Various Health Parameters: A Matched Sample Study By Nathalie T. Burkert et al. Abstract Population-based studies have consistently shown that our diet has an influence on health. Therefore, the aim of our study was to analyze differences between different dietary habit groups in terms of health-related variables. The sample us... more »
March Payrolls Miss 192K, Below 200K Expected, Unemployment Rate 6.7% Above 6.6% Expected ...... not too hot , not to cold ! Risk on .....
Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
Stocks, Bonds, And Gold Surge On Dismal Jobs Data Miss [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/04/2014 08:48 -0400 - Bond - HIGHER UNEMPLOYMENT - Unemployment inShare Bad news is the best news this morning. *A higher unemployment rate and worse than expected job creation is the new mother's milk for stocks* which kneejerked instantly to new record highs. Bond yields are tumbling and gold is surging (back over $1300) as 'investors' believe this will signal an un-taper (because QE did so much good for so long) or lower-for-longer chatter (so ... more »
Guest Post: Why Employers Want To Check Your Background
*Donna's note*: I sometimes write here about how employers break the law conducting background checks and why hiring practices that exclude arrests/criminal records may be discriminatory. I thought it would be interesting to hear the perspective on why employers want background checks and what they're looking for. Here's what a background check expert has to say on the topic. *By Rebecca Gray* Due to a highly competitive market, finding a great job posting or even landing an interview doesn't necessarily mean you've got it made. Another applicant with matching skills could win that...more »
Skepticism or Cynicism for Obama Education Agenda?
Skepticism or Cynicism for Obama Education Agenda?. via Skepticism or Cynicism for Obama Education Agenda?.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
Brussels: Police disperse protesters with water cannon April 4 , 2014 ........ waiting for CNBC to cover this any minute now ......
WATER CANNONS AS POLICE DISPERSE PROTESTERS IN BRUSSELS - Home / - News / Brussels: Police disperse protesters with water cannon Published time: April 04, 2014 12:08 Get short URL Share on tumblr Police have deployed water cannon to disperse a trade union protest in Brussels which has seen hundreds gather in the city center. DETAILS TO FOLLOW Labor protest sparks clashes in Brussels*Posted: Apr 04, 2014 8:21 AM EDT**Updated: Apr 04, 2014 8:21 AM EDT* BRUSSELS (AP) - Belgian police used water cannon and pepper spray on protesters who had showered them with oranges and cobblest...more »
Friday Nerd Blogging
Game of Thrones Season 4 premieres this Sunday. For your viewing parties, check out this website for Westeros-inspired fare. For those of you not yet familiar with the show, and therefore ill-advised to read Season 4 commentaries, here’s a helpful series trailer to whet your appetite. (She said with a straight face.)
And I thought that I was geeky... I've nothing on this chap... Why I rank my friends by income, IQ and hotness - Milo Yiannopoulos - The Kernel
Meanwhile Back in the Colony of Ukraine
The neocon Ukraine propaganda onslaught abated slightly over the past week more than likely due to the sheer overkill of the shrill emissions from the state-corporate media propaganda organs. One could also suspect that the leakage of the truth that the US taxpayers are being forced to back an illegally installed coup government filled with neo-Nazis had a bit to do with it. With the murder of Right Sector leader Oleksandr Muzychko aka Sashko Bily by police bringing threats of reprisals from the western backed thugs who provided the muscle during the hijacked street protests it was... more »
Obama, the Sauds, and Bottomless Hypocrisy
[image: obama_saudi_01] *April 4, 2014 *(Tony Cartalucci-NEO) - US President Barack Obama’s recent visit to Saudi Arabia confirms what many even causal political observers have begun to suspect regarding recent US political history, that Washington’s values aren’t just nonpartisan, driven entirely by special interests permeating both sides of the political aisle, but are altogether non-existent. To understand why requires an understanding of both US-Saudi relations, not just during the Obama administration, but over the past several decades, as well as a basic understanding of Saud... more »
The definition of chutzpah
An ONDP-led Coalition at Queen's Park
I'm no fan of Andrea Horwath's extreme right-turn for the party, but it is my opinion that the only reasonable outcome to the gas-plant scandal is an ONDP-led coalition between the ONDP and the OLP. The Ontario Liberals deserve to be punished for their revolting imitation of the harpercons' contempt of Parliament, but this should not be in the form of being replaced by the cretinous and (more importantly) equally contemptuous of democracy Ontario Progressive Conservatives led by Tim Hudak. I doubt this will happen. We'll most likely get a Hudak minority or another Ontario Liberal mi... more »
Venezuela Protests - Despite low media coverage , the struggle still continues to uproot President Maduro.... Recent items of note on the protests , Maduro actions and the state of play.......
Thursday, April 03, 2014 11:59 PM From Mish....... Venezuela Decrees "All Properties Leased for 20 Years Will Be Sold to Tenants in 60 Days at Government Set Prices" Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro proves once again the capacity for stupidity is virtually unlimited. Today Maduro mandated that any properties leased for 20 years or longer will be sold to current tenants at government mandated prices, essentially confiscating all long-term rental properties. Via translation from *Libre Mercado*, please consider Venezuela Expropriates Properties Leased More Than 20 Years. Ni... more »
It Is Only The Truly Conscious Who Can Save Our Planet From Disaster- A Discourse by M.N. Hopkins
Joana Reyes https://plus.google.com/u/0/+JoanaReyes/posts?cfem=1 *It is only a fully conscious Man who can save your world from disaster. * *Man will come together and work toward the Good with the Good to insure the survival of the species as well as all other species that now inhabit your planet.* *All those who have fallen and faltered upon their way we ask to return to the service of the Good. All have a choice as all have free will. This was the promise given to Man and the promise will be kept through eternity.* *Your priests, your leaders, all those whom you have put upo... more »
Deepest Inner Stirrings portends explosive and rapid movements of Higher Paradigms, for the benefit of all Gaia inhabitants
*Deepest Inner Stirrings portends explosive and rapid movements of Higher Paradigms, for the benefit of all Gaia inhabitants* by ÉirePort Stasis of planetary energetics is at an end, as consciousness ascends and expels lower statics. Deepest Inner Stirrings portends explosive and rapid movements of Higher Paradigms, for the benefit of all Gaia inhabitants. Cascades of Light now increase in strength and intensity and effect. Cosmic Multipliers are in full effect at this moment. ÉirePort | April 4, 2014 at 4:35 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p2tSAX-1g
Top 10 Caffeine Health Benefits
Top 10 Caffeine Health Benefits Caffeine Informer Caffeine is the most widely used substance on the planet. Are there health benefits from caffeine or is most of the world just poisoning themselves? We’ve dug through our archives and put together a list of some of the possible caffeine health benefits according to different studies that have been conducted over the years. *10+ Caffeine Health Benefits* 1. In Japan researchers have shown that caffeine increases memory. Also, a newer study out of Johns Hopkins University showed that a 200mg caffeine pill helped boost m... more »
5 All-Natural Bug-Killing Pesticides For The Garden by Byron Berger
Source: http://frugallysustainable.com/ 5 All-Natural Bug-Killing Pesticides For The Garden by Byron Berger Off The Grid News, 2 April 2014 Nothing’s worse than watching pests munch through your garden like it was planted for them. While we try to avoid pesticide use through companion planting and attracting natural predators, sometimes it’s not enough and we need a targeted and limited application of pesticide. The right pesticide for those living off the grid is a combination of two things. First, it has to be easy to produce from readily available materials. Second, and mos... more »
Full employment
Here begins a more detailed look at this week's editions of *Newsnight*... Monday night's *Newsnight *began by casting a characteristically jaundiced eye over George Osborne's pledge to fight for full employment. Jeremy Paxman flared his nostrils and raised his eyebrows from the word 'go'. Laura Kuennsberg's report not only featured *that clip* of former Tory chancellor Norman Lamont saying unemployment is a "price...worth paying", but then managed to nab ol' Norm for one of her two 'talking heads', asking him about the contrast between what he - and other former Tory chancellors ... more »
Greg Hunter,“Weekly News Wrap-Up 4.4.14”
*“Weekly News Wrap-Up 4.4.14”* By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com “There may not be a shooting war between the U.S. and Russia, but the financial war is game on. Iran and Russia are in the process of sealing a deal where Iranian oil is going to be traded for goods. The deal is worth an estimated $20 billion (500,000 barrels a day is what the Iranians will be producing for this deal), but they are not trading in dollars. Why would Russia, the world leader in oil production, want more oil? Might Russia want to increase the selling of oil in non-dollar currencies? This is yet another do... more »
Important Links and Data for these 'Accelerating' Times from Ralph Ring
We are in the explosion point in this moment of NOW. All things are being made visible and being brought forth to be seen openly and transparently. The bridges are being built that will catapult knowledge and consciousness forward to incredible "discoveries" and "new" technologies. Instruments and tools like the QEG are only the very beginning of all that is about to be SEEN and kNOWn. Thank you Brian and Justin for getting this out to the public while I had a little 18 hour hiatus!!!! Love D Thursday, April 3, 2014Important Links and Data for these 'Accelerating' Time... more »
Nigel Farage really letting then Prime Minister Gordon Brown have it in 2009
I particularly like Gordon Brown's 'who gives a shit what you think' smile when Nigel Farage is reminding him of his ineptitude re the sale of gold. No shame at all. http://youtu.be/E1waGanUNt0
VIDEO MSNBC 'Impact of Keystone XL on Native American tribes'
*Size Matters: rally today to address Butt Eye riverfront condo towers development* [image: Size Matters: rally to address riverfront condo towers development tomorrow 6pm 1001 Charbonnett St] **Click pic for directions* *~**Angela Hill talks** about the best way to develop the Lower 9th Ward with members of the Holy Cross Neighborhood Association: Sarah Debacher, Calvin Alexander, and Wanda Baily* *Petition to support development consistent with existing zoning and historic character of the Holy Cross ~Lower 9 Vision Coalition * ~*Perez APC, a firm with limited experience in develop... more »
Some news about Jordan that you won't find on the BBC
The Jordanian Women’s Union, along with lawyers across the Hashemite Kingdom, expressed shock last week after a ruling discriminating against women who do not wear the Islamic hijab was issued by the Amman Sharia Court of Appeal, according to Al Medanah News. The court announced late last week that it agreed with one lawyer’s statement – based on a fatwa – that says a woman who does not cover up or wear a hijab is considered a “slut” and shouldn’t be allowed to testify in court. In response, The Women’s Union released a statement published on Amman netthat describes the court’s deci...more »
*The Noah film is afloat with Greenie extremism* AMAZING. Hollywood just killed God, and almost no critic noticed how it quietly slipped a green human-hater in his place. I never thought you could make a two-hour film about Noah and his ark without mentioning “God” even once, but director Darren Aronofsky has managed it in his $142 million epic, which opened last week. His Noah, played by a muttering Russell Crowe, prays to a different deity, a much nastier one called “the creator” who seems to brood on global warming. Hey, what a coincidence! So does Aronofsky, who last year decl... more »
Retarded UN Deputy Spokesperson: UN Has No Comment On Destruction of Kassab By US-Turkey-Saudi Backed Jihadist Terrorists
The UN does not like to acknowledge uncomfortable facts about the devastation in Kessab and is totally ignoring what is going on in northern Syria where Jihadist terrorist gangs and bloodthirsty foreign mercenaries are destroying churches, targeting minorities, forcing women to accept repressive dress codes, and generally causing misery, all under the military protection of Turkey and the political protection of Washington. In the video below, the UN's deputy spokesperson dodges questions about the ongoing invasion and destruction of Kessab, Syria, a predominantly Armenian town. ... more »
Thursday Linkage: Slouching towards Semester’s End
While Amanda is a glutton for punishment with both ISA and Midwest appearances, my wife and I are tag-teaming it – ISA for me and Midwest for her. In between diaper changes, Finding Nemo, and oatmeal, here is what I’m reading. Cambridge refuses to publish book on Putin for fear of libel, the IPCC Fifth Continue reading
Mohawk Nation News 'I Want a Country'
“I WANT A COUNTRY” Posted on April 3, 2014 Mohawk Nation News MNN. Apr. 3, 2014. Quebecois separatist candidate, Pierre Karl Peladeau, declares, “I want a country “. He wants total power first as a cabinet minister, then as premier and then king of his dynasty. He is launching a hostile corporate takeover of Quebec Inc. Peladeau wants a country. Mohawk Warriors: “Mr. Peladeau, we
Plutocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy… What Difference Does It Make?
I couldn't face up to writing about the McCutcheon decision yesterday. It was just too depressing for me and I begged Ken and he bravely shouldered the task with verve and aplomb… and Andy Borowitz. He also began his post by quoting Bernie Sanders: "Freedom of speech, in my view, does not mean the freedom to buy the United States government." This morning, Bernie was on the air at *Democracy Now!* with Amy Goodman. The short clip embedded up top because Senator Sanders lays out the threat to American democracy inherent in the McClutcheon decision more coherently than anyone else I... more »
Do you support Eco-friendly products?
[image: Do you support Eco-friendly products?]*Our purchases send a message**This post will introduce you to the companies listed on our Special Offers Page. I received no compensation for this post ... I simply want to introduce you to companies doing their best to operate in an earth-friendly manner.* We all know the rules of Eco-friendly buying. No purchase is better than a purchase. Buying used is better than buying new. And we try to differentiate between needs and wants. When we've decided to make a purchase, there's another aspect to consider. Our purchases tell manufacturers... more »
Remember The Shills - Follow Up Article To Jim Stone's Expose On Malaysian Flight MH370 Being At Diego Garcia
It has been an amazing last few days for me and this blog.... The article that I posted just last weekend that showed Jim Stone's startling report that Malaysian flight MH370 was indeed flown to the US military installation at Diego Garcia has gone viral. It has shown definite proof that we have all been lied to by our governments and our media (no shock here) and that this plane was commandeered by criminal forces within the US government (again no shock here) for a possible false flag attack sometime in the near future. It is a must read by everyone....(link here) Now Jim Stone... more »
The Global Warming Fraud: Global Cooling - The REAL Inconvenient Truth (Part 1)
Man caused "Global Warming" is a fraud. People everywhere need to accept that as an absolute truth now more than ever because right now many of our governments are considering fleecing their own citizens by introducing fraudulent "carbon taxation". This scam needs to end and for people to wake up to the real truth that our planet is absolutely NOT getting warmer, but is entering a cycle of "Global Cooling" for which we are very ill prepared for! Right now, I want to present the following article, that comes from the Yahoo Finance website, at finance.yahoo.com. It is entitled: "... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“This fantastic skyscape lies near the edge of NGC 2174 a star forming region about 6,400 light-years away in the nebula-rich constellation of Orion. It follows mountainous clouds of gas and dust carved by winds and radiation from the region's newborn stars, now found scattered in open star clusters embedded around the center of NGC 2174, off the top of the frame. Though star formation continues within these dusty cosmic clouds they will likely be dispersed by the energetic newborn stars within a few million years. *Click image for larger size.* Recorded at infrared wavelengths by ... more »
"The Invitation"
*"The Invitation"* "It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing. It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive. It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life's betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain! I want to know if you can sit with pain, min... more »
The Poet: Jeanne Lohmann,"Questions Before Dark"
*"Questions Before Dark"* "Day ends, and before sleep when the sky dies down, consider your altered state: has this day changed you? Are the corners sharper or rounded off? Did you live with death? Make decisions that quieted? Find one clear word that fit? At the sun's midpoint did you notice a pitch of absence, bewilderment that invites the possible? What did you learn from things you dropped and picked up and dropped again? Did you set a straw parallel to the river, let the flow carry you downstream?" - Jeanne Lohmann, from "The Light of Invisible Bodies"
Chet Raymo, “Upon That Water Without Sound"
*“Upon That Water Without Sound"* by Chet Raymo “Several women in my family have suggested that my posts have become morbid lately, excessively preoccupied with death. Is that true? And, if so, is it a problem? After all, I have reached the age which is the average life span of an American male. It makes sense, does it not, that I keep an eye on the Grim Reaper. I'm not afraid of death. I've had a good life and I'm ready to go when the time comes. If I am apprehensive, it is not about death, but dying. If I'm going to go, let it be quick, and not a long, drawn-out intervention of t... more »
Roswell, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Kimmel
Jimmy Kimmel had Bill Clinton on his show, and said that had he, Kimmel, been elected as president, almost before he had finished the oath of office, he would have run to the White House to look at all the classified files on UFOs. Clinton said that he had “sort of” done that, though it came out it took him about four years to make the run. Then he talked about Area 51 and said that he had someone look at all the records for Area 51 to find out if there was an “alien hidden down there.” He acknowledged that a lot of our stealth technology was developed there and though he didn’t sa... more »
Mid-Week Linkage
Fewer linkage posts lately due to conference travel, grad admissions season, linkage burnout etc. Here’s a few for your clicking pleasure: Human Security: Chemical weapons are alleged to have been used on civilians in Benue State, Nigeria. Daily Kos on why the protests in Taiwan are being under-covered. I have mixed feelings about this Guardian Continue reading
E. J. Dionne Jr. asks if there's accountability for the Rs' wrong-wrong-wrongness about the ACA? (Accountability? Ha!)
*Plus update: At Mozilla, Prop 8 supporter is out* *"From now on, will there be more healthy skepticism about conservative claims against the ACA? Given how many times the law's enemies have said the sky was falling when it wasn't, will there be tougher interrogation of their next round of apocalyptic predictions?"* *-- E. J. Dionne Jr., in his Washington Post column today,* "The GOP must admit it was wrong on Obamacare" *by Ken* As I always say, you have to love *Washington Post* columnist E. J. Dionne Jr., and today we have a reminder why. Who else would have the devilish innoce... more »
Another reason to fight the Fair Elections Act
Duff Conacher, Founder of Democracy Watch, on the Fair Elections Act. Democracy Watch has a list of *"10 really unfair measures in the so-called 'Fair Elections Act' " *and a letter you can send to federal leaders* here* . C'mon, guys, surely we can do better than just 36,000 letters. The Cons' contention that the universally negative response to their Bill C-23 is uninformed and hysterical took a big hit today when former AG Sheila Fraser weighed in : *Ex-watchdog Sheila Fraser slams bill as attack on democracy* 'It's just astounding to me,' former auditor-general says of Torie... more »