Wednesday, April 02, 2014

2 April - Netvibes IV

Large normal fault in Triassic to Lower Jurass...Large normal fault in Triassic to Lower Jurassic Blue Anchor Formation sediments near Blue Anchor, Somerset, UK, with several smaller normal faults in its hanging wall (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A small fault cuts between the lighte...English: A small fault cuts between the lighter grey rocks on the right and the darker grey rocks on the left. Fault gouge is seen as the salmon-colored rock in the center of the picture above the backpack. from Tavan Har, the Gobi, Mongolia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Refugees are welcome main banner - Refugee Act...Refugees are welcome main banner - Refugee Action protest 27 July 2013 Melbourne (Photo credit: John Englart (Takver))

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