Zap (Photo credit: William Hamon (aka Ewns))
10:06am MDSTAin't It The Truth?
Kev over at Trapped in a Whirlpool reminds us of an important truth:
While banishing Harper and the Conservatives from power is a worthwhile
project our problems go much deeper than the evil he has unleashed on our
Actually he has done us a favour of sorts in exposing the weaknesses in our
electoral and parliamentary systems and institutions. None of that will
change much upon his ouster. We will still have a first past the post
electoral system and parliament will still be governed by conventions that
require the government of the day to voluntarily submit to them.
Just as i... more »
On the 28th of March, 2014, at about 4 p.m., the Afghan Peace Volunteers
heard a loud explosion in the vicinity of their community home. It was the
start of an attack on a guesthouse of Roots of Peace, a foreign-run NGO
located nearby. For the rest of the evening and night, they anxiously
waited for the sound of rocket fire and firing to stop. It was reported
that a 10 year old girl, and the four assailants, were killed.
Zekerullah's father had asked that Zekerullah travel back to Bamiyan to be
with his family till after the elections.
We had been thinking about an appropriate res... more »
D Responding to Zap Responding to D Responding to Zap: colour coding is essential, lol
Reblogged from my dear friend Dani at:
Before I begin, I have to profusely thank KP for the amount of work he put
into getting this article sorted out, colour coding the various comments
and keeping it readably organized- this is a daunting task!! Love you KP!!
So, apparently someone forwarded an article I wrote last week, responding
to ZAP's weekly update, to ZAP/office of poofness, and he has posted his
responses to my responses to his comments.... and so now I am going to
respond to Zap's ... more »
While we've all been celebrating the 7.1 million newly insured in Obamacare (really?), another delay has been enacted...
*ICD-10 *(International Classifications of Diseases)
If you're not in the medical field, ICD-10 doesn't mean much to you.
However, it's impact on medical practices, hospitals, and medical coders is
Presently your medical records are coded using ICD-9. Starting on Oct. 1,
2014 all medical coding was to be done using the new ICD-10, at the cost of
billions of dollars in training and office updates.
Those codes are how doctors receive insurance payments, and God save their
soul if someone screws up a code. It could amount to millions of dollars
of fines.
As part of the... more »
The Canadian Peoples' Platform
I started this on Twitter this morning: #CdnPeoplesPlatform.
Enough of the fucking Middle Class. Enough of Working Families.
Enough of environmental vandals.
Enough of policy-based evidence made up for destructive initiatives.
Enough of screwing over democracy to rig elections and stay in power.
Enough of Strong Stable Fuck-the-non-Base Majority.
Let's show the Fucking Useless Opposition® what WE want from a government.
Good government for all of us.
Please join in. (It's cathartic, if nothing else.)
How Not to Write a Query Letter
A few days ago, I was web-surfing and came across a site maintained
by a fellow scribe. I saw a post he'd put up over two years ago in which
he'd queried literary agents about what their pet peeves were in book
Anyone who's been following me for even a few months knows my thoughts
on literary agents. Depending on your willingness to maintain the current
corrupt status quo, literary agents are either a necessary or unnecessary
evil inflicted on us by a lazy, bottom-line-driven publishing industry.
But that's not to say that literary agents don't have legiti... more »
Weingarten Pumps Common Core
Randi Weingarten just won't stop digging when she find herself in a hole
dug for her by Gates and Bloomberg. She used the latest PISA announcement
yesterday to manufacture another reason to support the chosen solution that
has no proof that it will do anything other than to serve as the testing
delivery system for another generation of human rights abuses in schools.
The BBC hiding the truth about immigration
BBC News Graphics (@BBCNewsGraphics) tweeted at 3:37 PM on Wed, Apr 02,
Polish up on your immigration facts ahead of tonight's #EuropeDebate?
Here's the graph that the BBC used to illustrate the article...
So why would the BBC start this graph in 2003?
Let's have a look at some alternative graphs with longer time periods.
First the ONS 1964-2012, can you spot when the massive increase in
immigration started?
Oh yes, just after Labour's 1997 general election victory... more »
Occupy Redux?
That title is misleading, because despite all the post-mortems, the Occupy
movement has been alive and well since the security state disbanded the
last physical camp a little over two years ago. It's branched off into
Occupy Our Homes, Occupy Sandy, The Fight for $15, Movement Against
Monsanto and GMOS, Anti-Homelessness and Year of The Rent Freeze
Coalition, Stop/Stop and Frisk-Stop Mass Incarceration Group, End The Fed,
Ban Fracking Now, People’s Power Assembly NY/NJ, Occu-Evolve(OWS),
Nationalize the Fed, Money Out Of Politics, The Alternative Banking Group
of Occupy Wall Street... more »
GM: It is the profits which matter
If some lives are lost then that is not so important to big corporations
like GM. That is the world we live in. It is a very sad state of affairs.
We get so tangled up
in the flags
and corporate logos
they become our connection
mentally and spiritually
We lose sight of the mother
where does the water go when it rains?
why is the wind blowing harder these days?
what do I really need to live?
We have so much stuff
sold to us by the shops
that have become distribution systems
for the corporations
that keep grinding out more plastic
and other crap
for us to buy
on our maxed out credit cards
La famiglia
the family system
is being ripped to pieces
human to human connection squashed
local cultures must be destroyed
in order for the ... more »
*IG report cites billing errors, grossly inflated office rental price in
sheriff Marlin Gusman's monitoring program ~Dan Lawton, New Orleans
Advocate**~Also~**More reports surface of violence at Sheriff Marlin
Gusman's prison ~Justin Mustian*
~*Sheriff’s Office overcharged city for ankle monitoring program, IG report
says ~Della Hasselle, The Lens*
*Public health clinics fight to avert looming funding crisis ~Lee Isaacson,
*Baton Rouge-New Orleans passenger trains don't have to be fast to be
competitive, study says ~Angela Cotey, Progressive Railroading*
*Duke Ellington, Loui... more »
A Modest Proposal: Subvert (Harper's) Democracy
I think it's fair to say that PMSHithead has hit some stormy seas lately.
The details hardly matter; what matters is that the pundit class seems to
have woken up to the little matter of Canadians' widespread loathing for
the man, his lies, and his puppets. Even some of his puppets are tiring of
his hand up their butts.
Here's Chantal Hébert:
That Harper is more isolated and less in control today than a year ago is
not in doubt. Consistently mediocre poll results; heightened caucus unrest;
public cabinet squabbles; a poorly handled Senate scandal and what has
turned out to be a bad... more »
Translating Conference-Speak
I’m leaving for the Midwest Political Science Association conference this
afternoon, a wonderful 3 days since I returned from ISA. I’m a little
(*cough*) “conferenced-out” – it wasn’t a good idea to do both conferences
so close to each other. I am excited, however, to see all the fabulous IO
panels at Midwest. As I
Continue reading
On Children and Childhood
On Children and Childhood. via On Children and Childhood.Filed under: PAUL
THOMAS: Becoming Radical
A Progressive Candidate In Nashville… Meet Mary Mancini
Let me introduce you to David Bither, a senior vice-president of Nonesuch
Records, where he signed Emmylou Harris, Wilco, Ry Cooder, *Buena Vista
Social Club*, T Bone Burnett and the Black Keys. I first got to know David
when he worked at Elektra Records and helped launch successful careers for
a diverse group of incredible artists, from Laurie Anderson, Youssou N'Dour
and Sam Phillips to Billy Bragg, Tracy Chapman and Allen Toussaint. One of
our old colleagues from the music business, Mary Mancini, is running for a
Nashville state senate seat and I asked David if he'd write about ... more »
Monster in the Red Chamber
The monster Fair Elections Act, with its "sharper teeth, longer reach, and
freer hands", is being fast-tracked to the Senate even before it passes in
the House of Commons because Steve is in a huge rush to ram it - and its
accompanying muzzling of Elections Canada's investigation into Con election
fraud in the last election - through all the hoops in time for the next one
in 2015.
If the senators here look fairly relaxed about having a monster in their
midst, it's because they already know how this particular story ends. This
is the same bunch, after all, who just three months ago... more »
US nuclear news April 2 , 2014 updates ( check newsflow for the past week ) - - focus on WIPP and Fukushima contamination hitting US and Canada.....
05:15 AM EST on April 2nd, 2014 | 23 comments
Experts: Concern gases caused underground explosion at WIPP; Extent of
contamination “could topple long-held assumptions” — AP: Plan to enter mine
postponed — ‘Very excited’ about new monitors for detecting further
releases (VIDEO)
07:01 PM EST on April 1st, 2014 | 71 comments
Radio: “Surprisingly, high concentrations [of Fukushima cesium] found in
Vancouver area” since ocean currents slow down — Levels are increasing —
“Might be hotspots where radiation concentrates” — “Chances are high for
marine life to absorb it… concern about mussels... more »
* Vassar College’s Recent Controversy Involving Students for Justice in
Palestine (SJP) and the International Studies (IS) Travel Class to Israel*
Scholars for Peace in the Middle East (SPME), a grass roots organization of
over 30,000 academic members, expresses its great concern with recent
events at Vassar College, growing out of a student and faculty response to
the “International Studies 110” class (IS) which traveled over Spring break
to Israel.
The IS trip was taught and led by Vassar professor of Earth Science and
Geography, Jill Schneiderman, and associate professor of Gree... more »
*Caveman diet twice as effective as modern diets*
The “caveman” diet popular with celebrities from Uma Thurman to Tom Jones
has been given the seal of approval by Swedish experts who found that it
was more effective than some modern diets.
Women who adopted a so-called Palaeolithic diet lost twice as much weight
within six months as those who followed a modern programme based on
official health guidelines.
They also saw a greater reduction in their waist circumference, although
the difference between the two groups became smaller after two years of
The Palaeolithic diet... more »
Furious Russia Will Retaliate Over "Illegal And Absurd" Payment Block By "Hostile" JPMorgan (“Any hostile actions against the Russian diplomatic mission are not only a grossest violation of international law, but are also fraught with countermeasures that unavoidably will affect activities of the embassy and consulates of the U.S. in Russia,” Lukashevich said) .... And JP Morgan backing down rapidly in 5, 4 , 3 ,2,1 ( JPMorgan could still process the embassy payment if U.S. regulators approve, the person familiar with that dispute said.) ...........
Furious Russia Will Retaliate Over "Illegal And Absurd" Payment Block By
"Hostile" JPMorgan
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/02/2014 08:02 -0400
- Bank of America
- Bank of America
- Barack Obama
- Borrowing Costs
- China
- Citigroup
- Fail
- India
- Iran
- Kazakhstan
- Real estate
- Ukraine
- Vladimir Putin
- Yuan
While everyone was gushing over the spectacle on TV of a pro-HFT guy and
anti-HFT guy go at it, yesterday afternoon we reported what was by far the
most... more »
Love And Ambition
Taken separately, both are worthy pursuits. But, when combined with the
catalyst of romance, they are an explosive compound. Consider the case of
Dimitri Soudas and Eve Adams. Tim Harper writes:
This week, we present deposed Conservative party executive director Dimitri
Soudas and Conservative MP Eve Adams, he a man who has been spinning
narratives for a living for years and has made enemies along the way, she a
woman who has worn her ambition on her sleeve since arriving here, no
matter how clumsily she has pursued that ambition.
“At the end of the day I chose the woman I love o... more »
Gold and Silver ( as well as precious metals items ) April 2 , 2014 Ed Steer's morning report and his wrap up.... .....News and data touching on the precious metals ..... of particular interest - Virtu ( did you know they were an " authorized participant " with both GLD and SLV ETFs ) IPO delayed ( HFT blowback ) ..... 12 largest banks sued by Public Retirement Funds for FX rigging....... JP Morgan unilateral sanctions imposed on Russia , by way of blocking a diplomatic transfer...... Hugo Salinas Price as well as Dr Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler missives...... Vietnam places restrictions on entry and exit of gold .... Ed 's wrap and additional items to consider ( GATA ) ......
It was a very quiet day in gold pretty much everywhere on Planet Earth
yesterday. Volume wasn't overly heavy, so not much can be read into
Tuesday's price action. However, one thing I did note, was the price
action on Tuesday was almost a carbon copy of the price action on Monday
The high and low, if you wish to dignify them with that description, were
recorded by the CME Group as $1,288.40 and $1,277.40 in the June contract.
Gold finished... more »
War Watch March 31 , 2014 --Syria items of note - Christians flee Syria’s Kessab, Twitter cries atrocities, Armenia accuses Turkey , Syrians suffer as al-Qaeda, Chechen fighters pursue their own agendas: analysts .......Iraq items of note - Bridge Collapses in Iraq Attack; 56 Killed, 55 Wounded , Iraq Electoral Commission Retracts Resignation Nothing Resolved as IHEC Resumes Work , Kurdish MPs React to Question of Secession from Baghdad ...... Iran items of note - Latest news on nuclear talks , Iran asks Pakistan to transfer border security to it , Merchant ship shot at in Strait of Hormuz Sunday- NATO
Catharsis Ours - 3 hours ago
Syria Ups Border Defenses Near Turkey as Tensions SoarAccuses Turkey of
Arming Foreign Fighters in Latakia
by Jason Ditz, March 31, 2014
Print This | Share This
One week after Turkey shot down a Syrian warplane near the border, tensions
continue to grow, and Syria has announced the deployment of anti-aircraft
missile batteriesalong the border to repel “hostile” Turkish planes.
It’s a possibility that seems more likely by the day, after a leak last
week revealed the Erdogan government talking about using the security at an
Ottoman-era shrine as a pretext for invading nort... more »
What is Len McCluskey Trying to Achieve?
Every so often Len McCluskey fires off an article or press release saying
that if Labour isn't left enough, then there will be *x, y, z* consequences
where union funding is concerned. This time, if Labour doesn't break from
austerity and doesn't win next year, then Unite might withdraw its support.
So what is Unite's general secretary playing at? There's a couple of
dribbles of gravy I want to mop up before tackling the meaty real issue.
First things first, we don't know what Labour's 'austerity lite' is going
to look like. Ed Balls has made the usual noises about "tough choices", a... more »
While Michael Lewis's expose on HFT is a good first step , the larger and evaded issue is legalized theft ! Apart from those presented by HFTing , let's examine some other examples ......... What about Federal Reserve POMOs and Reserve Repos ? What about the Federal Reserve's low interest rate policy and its market bending effects and ripoffs of savers ? And of course , how about TBTF / TBTJ ?
Catharsis Ours - 4 hours ago
Monday, March 31, 2014 2:58 PM
High Frequency Trading Hits 60-Minutes Scrutiny; Trading or Skimming?
In the wake of a 60-Minutes report on High Frequency Trading, numerous
people have sent dozens of links. Let's take a look at a few of them.
*CBS Video*
*High-Speed Traders Rip Investors Off*
Michael Lewis says High-Speed Traders Rip Investors Off.
The U.S. stock market is rigged when high-frequency traders with advanced
computers make tens of billions of dollars by jumping in front of
investors, according to author Michael Lewis, who spent the past year
researching the topic ... more »
2014 Worlds Greatest Buildings
Like everyone who ever put two Lego blocks together I am a frustrated
Architect. Click here to see the work of 49 people who paid the price of
You are what you eat and you live where you are.
H/T Business Insider
"8 Appalling Moments by the Right Wing This Week: Gay Marriage Wedding Cakes Edition"
*"8 Appalling Moments by the Right Wing This Week: *
*Gay Marriage Wedding Cakes Edition"*
*Known unknown: Donald Rumsfeld should be replaced by a trained ape.*
By Janet Allon
"The parade of right-wing morons and lunatics marched on this week. Some
*1. Donald Rumsfeld: A "trained ape" would be better at foreign policy than
Obama. *Donald Rumsfeld continues to both shock and awe us with his
arrogance and his psychopathic inability to admit he was completely wrong
about every aspect of the Iraq war. Being a psychopath, he still has the
audacity to hold forth on questions o... more »
Libya updates April 2 , 2014 -- Libyan rebels agree to end eastern oil ports blockade within days , Saadi claims contacts with Jadhran; Jadhran denies it ......... Congress President Abu Sahmain expected to be axed ...... Morning Glory oil tanker intrigue continue - Attorney General set to release three Libyan Federalists involved despite Staff at AG 's office objections to said releases......
Libyan rebels agree to end eastern oil ports blockade within days
Published time: April 01, 2014 23:05
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[image: The Morning Glory is seen at the Tripoli port, March 23, 2014.
(Reuters / Hani Amara)]
The Morning Glory is seen at the Tripoli port, March 23, 2014. (Reuters /
Hani Amara)
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Libyan conflict
Al-Qaeda, Conflict, Energy, Libya,Military, Oil, Politics, Protest, Security
,Terrorism, UK
Rebel forces in eastern Libya have agreed with the government to soon end
its months-long blockade of oil export ports, according to a senior leader
of the g... more »
Ukraine and Eastern Europe Updates -- March 31 , 2014 -- Kerry, Russian FM Deadlocked After Hours of Talks Lavrov Urges Wholesale Changes to Ukrainian Constitution , Four-plus hours of “frank” closed-door negotiations between Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov ended today with no deal, and the only agreement was that the two sides really want to reach some sort of agreement......Ukraine Election positioning- Poroshenko poised to sweep aside Tymoshenko...... Eastern Europe and the knock on efforts as secession interest rises in Eastern Europe , demands for NATO boots on the ground there rise and insecurity clearly remains in the forecast.....
Catharsis Ours - 5 hours ago
Later day news.....
Ukraine urges Right Sector to vacate its Kiev HQ after downtown shootout
injures 3
Published time: March 31, 2014 23:58
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[image: AFP Photo / Genya Savilov]
AFP Photo / Genya Savilov
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Crime, Law, Police, Shooting, Ukraine,Violence
Ukraine’s acting interior minister urged the far-right group Right Sector
to vacate its HQ in Kiev after a downtown shootout instigated by one of its
members injured three, including deputy mayor Bogdan Dubas.
Kiev’s ‘Dnepr’ hotel, which serves as headquarters for the Right Sector
movement, has been surrou... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“What surrounds a hotbed of star formation? In the case of the Orion Nebula
-- dust. The entire Orion field, located about 1600 light years away, is
inundated with intricate and picturesque filaments of dust. Opaque to
visible light, dust is created in the outer atmosphere of massive cool
stars and expelled by a strong outer wind of particles.
*Click image for larger size.*
The Trapezium and other forming star clusters are embedded in the nebula.
The intricate filaments of dust surrounding M42 and M43 appear gray in the
above image, while central glowing gas is highlighted in brown a... more »
D Responding to Zap Responding to D Responding to Zap: colour coding is essential, lol
Before I begin, I have to profusely thank KP for the amount of work he put
into getting this article sorted out, colour coding the various comments
and keeping it readably organized- this is a daunting task!! Love you KP!!
So, apparently someone forwarded an article I wrote last week, responding
to ZAP's weekly update, to ZAP/office of poofness, and he has posted his
responses to my responses to his comments.... and so now I am going to
respond to Zap's responses to my response to his comments with my own
... colour coded to try and keep the dialogue straight. I'm fully... more »
Matthew Schwartz: new textbook on QFT
Matthew Schwartz – whom I knew quite well when he was a student – is an
associate professor at Harvard and he has also been teaching a very popular
introductory graduate course on quantum field theory.
A few months ago, he released his new 900-page-long textbook on *Quantum
Field Theory and the Standard Model*. I have only read some portions of the
book so far but I may happily recommend this book to you. With some
promotion, it could become the new superior standard that could beat Peskin
and Schroeder and others.
The book is composed of large pages with lots of stuff on them, l... more »
There Is Still A Hope That Shines Divine - A Quote bty M.N. Hopkins.
*For deep within the human consciousness there is still a hope that shines
divine. A hope in a better and brighter future not just for their own
children, but for all children.*
M.N. Hopkins.
*Frits Salomonson (left) and Prince Claus*
In 1998, in Holland, the authorities were investigating the* Rolodex *case
which involved top people and pedophile rings.
*The following is from:* *The Institute for the Study of Globalization and
Covert Politics*
The suspects in Holland's *Rolodex *child sex abuse investigation included:
*1.* Frits Salomonson
He was a judge in Amsterdam.
He was the legal advisor to Queen Beatrix and Prince Claus.
He was a long time associate of lawyer Oscar Hammerstein, 'who has numerous
ties to Dutch organized crime'.
In 1996, Salomonson's neighbors r... more »
Derrick Jensen,“Love Does Not Imply Pacifism”
*“Love Does Not Imply Pacifism”*
by Derrick Jensen
“The people in power will not disappear voluntarily; giving flowers to the
cops just isn’t going to work. This thinking is fostered by the
establishment; they like nothing better than love and nonviolence. The only
way I like to see cops given flowers is in a flower pot from a high window.”
- William S. Burroughs
“Many hundreds of pages ago, and now for me many years ago, I wrote that
this book was originally going to be an exploration of when counterviolence
is an appropriate response to the violence of the system. In fact what has... more »
White Man March 2.0
Subscribe to *The Realist Report on YouTube*
"The Purpose Of Life..."
“The purpose of life is not to be happy.
It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate,
to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I think it's unfair, but they have the right as fallible,
screwed-up humans to be unfair; that's the human condition."
- Albert Ellis
7 Remarkable Uses For Salt by Tricia Drevets
[image: Key element in the concept – Uses of salt and seawater]
7 Remarkable Off-Grid Uses For Salt
by Tricia Drevets
Off The Grid News, 27 March 2014
When you spill some salt, do you toss a pinch over your left shoulder? If
so, you are passing down to your family a legend that reflects the
importance of this now common kitchen staple to our culture.
Salt was such an expensive and desired commodity in civilizations past that
spilling some was thought to be bad luck. Leonardo D Vinci even depicts
Judas Iscariot knocking over some table salt in his painting of The Last
Supper... more »
Hawk is my spirit animal... with a Swan twister.
so, I took this online Find Your Spirit Animal test last night and despite
being 'visited' in several *LUCID DREAMS* by Black Horses and Black Bearsand Snow
Jaguars, I find out that my Spirit Animal is a HAWK. I went back over the
answers this morning and they more or less tallied with the answers I gave
the first time, so it's not like I 'changed my mind' or something
*You are a Hawk! (your score: 24)*
*Characters: Galen, Thera, Zilus in the Aspect of Crow trilogy; Maxine in
"The Wild's Call"*
*Powers: Communicate with the divine, discern powers in others,
photograph... more »
Videos: Oleg Peresypkin: "The Caucasus should watch Turkey and Syria" + Turkey PM claims victory, warns rivals 'will pay price'
Video Title: Oleg Peresypkin: "The Caucasus should watch Turkey and Syria."
Source: YouTube Channel Marina Petrova. Date Published: April 1, 2014.
"If Bashar Assad begins to win, all the Wahhabi and Salafi elements, we
call them fundamentalists, could run away to neighbouring countries. They
could appear in the Caucasus, and I think this would create great tension."
- Oleg Peresypkin, professor of the Center for Oriental Studies.
Video Title: Turkey PM claims victory, warns rivals 'will pay price.'
Source: AFP. Date Published: March 31, 2014.
"As I've said for months, we will hun... more »
Tax Dodgers Hoard $1 Trillion Overseas (Skills Gap Lie Exposed!) Jobs and Skills and Zombies Oh My! (Lack of Ethics and Morality OK In Best Country In World?)
BREAKING: April Fools? Not so much. Tax Dodging Companies Hoarding Nearly
One Trillion Overseas As the Civil War enthusiast said, “Southerners are a
military people. We were back then, still are today.” I don't think that
that's necessarily any more true in the South than in the rest of the
country. It would be fairer to say that a significant portion of the
Southern population is just
Why Did President Obama Endorse Brian Schatz Over Colleen Hanabusa? Minimum Wage
Is it really a mystery why President Obama-- and almost every incumbent
Democrat in the Senate, from the most liberal to the most conservative--
have endorsed Brian Schatz for reelection and not corrupt New Dem Colleen
Hanabusa? She and her EMILY's List outside agitators are running around
like chickens without heads screaming that it's because Schatz backed Obama
in 2008 while Hanabusa backed Hillary. If Hanabusa wants to criticize
Schatz for backing local hero Barack Obama, she should be aware she's
criticizing most Hawaii voters as well. Not only did Hawaii give Obama the
bigge... more »
Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - Protect The Ocean
Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)!
Wondering how to live greener? You've come to the right place. Each week we
challenge ourselves to try a new task ... or "amp up" something we're
already doing. We raise our awareness, learn from each other and develop
Eco-friendly skills which will improve our lives and protect our planet.
Doing so together gives us power ... the power to Change The World!
If this is your first visit, please click HERE for information and a
complete list of all the challenges we've taken on so far.
This post contains great information and I encourage ... more »
SAMS Academy of Corruption, Albuquerque
ALBUQUERQUE (KRQE) – Scott Glasrud oversees about 800 public school
students grades 4 through 12, but he makes hundreds of thousands of dollars
a year doing it.
That has the state’s attention.
The Schools
Glasrud’s charter schools are high-performing. Southwest Learning Center in
the Heights and SAMS Academy, located next to Double Eagle, focus on
science and aviation.
Some students can even get a pilot’s license through the schools.
“The program, the school leases the airplanes and we provide ground
instruction for students,” Glasrud said.
Glasrud takes in a $210,000 salary – more ... more »
Cosmology: “Multiverse Debate Heats Up In Wake Of Gravitational Wave Finding”
*Click image for larger size.*
*“Multiverse Debate Heats Up In Wake Of Gravitational Wave Finding”*
by Clara Moskowitz
“The multiverse is one of the most divisive topics in physics, and it just
became more so. The major announcement last week of evidence for primordial
ripples in spacetime has bolstered a cosmological theory called inflation,
and with it, some say, the idea that our universe is one of many universes
floating like bubbles in a glass of champagne. Critics of the multiverse
hypothesis claim that the idea is untestable—barely even science. But with
evidence for inflati... more »
Harry Targ : Raise the minimum wage now
Working people are on the move and grassroots groups are demanding a fair
minimum wage. By Harry Targ | The Rag Blog | April 1, 2014 The experience
of increasing poverty, economic marginalization, and the rise of political
reaction against … finish reading Harry Targ :
Raise the minimum wage now
If People Are Like Polar Bears, We’ll Be Fine
*Gust post by Patrick Michaels & Chip Knappenberger*
The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) this
week to finalisedthe second part of its latest compendium on climate change.
The first part, the Working Group I report, focused on the physical science
of climate change. The main findings of that report, released late last
year, have been widely panned for not telling the truth about how the
latest science is stacking up in support of modest rather than alarming
climate change.
The second part, making the news this week, is from the IPCC’s Working
Grou... more »
UHC 24: Corruption in Government Purchase of Medicines
An old article by Rappler got circulated by some friends in fb. Portions of
the paper said,
*…Sharing his experience with Rappler, the 26-year-old doctor said he was
shocked by the steep prices of purchased medicines and medical supply. He
had requested for the drugs for his RHU some time in December 2012.*
*"Even test tube brushes, which cost around P10-P20 perhaps, cost P350!
Gloves which cost P120-P150 pesos are priced P550 in that receipt.
Amoxicillin syrup which costs P15-P20 is priced P115," he said in an
interview. The receipt was dated Jan 13, 2013.*
*The system is simple, ... more »
Some High-profilers Gunning for Common CoreSome High-profilers Gunning for Common Core
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) surely are causing quite a stir.
That is what happens when non-teachers try to impose their wills upon the
American classroom. (I have written extensively on CCSS, including its
creation, promotion and funding. For hours of enlightening CCSS
reading, click here. To read about the contract between states and the […]
Data Street Cred
I am not known for being a statistics whiz. I have published quantitative
work, but I am seen, rightly so, as more comfortable with qualitative work,
comparing apples and oranges. Still, I had the gumption to offer advice on
twitter about data today. What and why? GDELT was a new dataset that
seemed to promise
Continue reading
New NATO military bases could be about to appear on Russia's borders with
eastern Europe. Foreign Ministers from the Alliance are discussing whether
to bolster their presence following the crisis in Ukraine. It will put
pressure on Moscow - which has kept its own military movements within
Russia's borders.
“Psychological Manipulation Using Cognitive Dissonance”
*“Psychological Manipulation Using Cognitive Dissonance”*
by Increase Brain Power
“The study of psychology results is useful knowledge about how we think and
act, which (we hope) can be used to make our lives better. But the
knowledge gained can also be used to manipulate people. The various forms
of psychological manipulation are usually subliminal, meaning they happen
without the conscious awareness of their use by the target. I've reported
on these techniques before, and will continue to do so.
My goal isn't to provide you with tools to do nasty things, but to make you
aware of... more »
*Leftist projection again*
*Hydrologist Fiona Johnson, the dear lady below, is upset that debate about
climate change is uncivil. So who is it who calls skeptics "deniers" (as in
"holocaust deniers") and wants to lock them up? FiFi had better start
talking to her own colleagues. And she seems to be shocked that "some
people seem to believe that scientists can't be trusted." Would that
belief spring from "Mike's nature trick" or "hiding the decline"? Would it
spring from the chronic refusal by Warmists to make their raw data
available? And her argumentation about the evidence... more »
John Kane, Mohawk 'Stirring the Ashes'
the Ashes
By John Karhiio Kane, Mohawk
Censored News
One of the biggest challenges for any people is broad participation in
the issues that affect everyone. And when you stop and think about it,
there is very little from the smallest ripples in a family to major
calamities in a community that occurs without impacting others.
The notion of "mind your own business" or "let
Bitcoin news March 31 , 2014 -- Neo & Bee Suspends BTC Share Trading Due to ‘Abnormal Activity’ .... UK Bitcoin Exchange Bit121 Temporarily Ceases Operations .... BTC-e Now Offers Trading in Chinese Yuan - very odd in light of this news ........ Bter Has Suspended Chinese Yuan Deposits, Citing Notification Of New Official Regulations
Catharsis Ours - 14 hours ago
St. Louis Fed: ‘Enforcing Outright Bitcoin Ban Close to Impossible’
Kyle Torpey
Bitcoin, Bitcoin Regulation, News
Posted 30 mins ago
[image: St. Louis Fed Bitcoin]
David Andolfatto, Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis,
is not quick to dismiss Bitcoin.
Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis David Andolfatto released
a report on Bitcoin (PDF) yesterday, and it gave the Bitcoin community
another peak into what financial regulators reall... more »
The Absurdity Of US Natural Gas Exports
(I present you a guest post, well written, articulate, and it does apply to
Canadian LNG export aspirations, Grant G)
*Written by Gail Tverberg*
*Gail Tverberg has an outstanding website...*
← Oil Limits and the Economy: One Story, Not Two
The Absurdity of US Natural Gas Exports
Posted on March 31, 2014 by Gail Tverberg
1. How much natural gas is the United States currently extracting?
(a) Barely enough to meet its own needs
(b) Enough to allow lots of exports
(c) Enough to allow a bit of exports
(d) The United States is a natural gas... more »
Why Can't Dick Cheney Just Hurry Up and Die?
When it comes to living American war criminals former Vice President
Richard B. Cheney has few peers and after the dying old bastard managed to
somehow jump to the front of the transplant donor list and deprive a decent
human being of a new heart he remains a formidable force. Being that in the
doppelganger of what used to be the good old US of A -prior to having the
life sucked out by vampires the likes of Cheney - the state-corporate media
that has become a full blown propaganda arm of the Deep State continues to
provide a forum of legitimacy to Cheney, Bush and Rummy who all belo... more »
The GOP "Budget": "Poopy Paul" Ryan's no April Fool -- he's the year-round kind
*Oh no, is it really "Poopy Paul" Ryan's last cartoon budget? (Yes, he's
term-limited out of the House Budget Committee chairmanship.)*
*"On net, we estimate that the House budget resolution would decrease GDP
by 0.9 percent and decrease nonfarm payrolls by 1.1 million jobs in fiscal
year 2015, relative to CBO’s current-law baseline. The following fiscal
year, the “Path to Prosperity” would decrease GDP by 2.5 percent and cost
3.0 million jobs. And if the recovery remains sluggish, large job losses
could continue under the Ryan budget in 2017 and beyond."*
*-- Congressional Budget O... more »
*Bureau of Governmental Research opposes Senate bill that would give
governor more power in selecting levee authority members ~Mark Schleifstein*
Razor Wire, Prison Cells, and Black Panther Robert H. King’s Life of Resistance --An interview with filmmaker Ron Harpelle
Hard Time (2014) from Shebafilms Kelly Saxberg on Vimeo.
In Security from Shebafilms Kelly Saxberg on Vimeo.
*Razor Wire, Prison Cells, and Black Panther Robert H. King’s Life of
Resistance--An interview with filmmaker Ron Harpelle*
*By Angola 3 News*
A new 40-minute documentary film by Canadian History Professor Ron
Harpelle, entitled *Hard Time*, focuses on the life of Robert Hillary King,
who spent 29 years in continuous solitary confinement until his conviction
was overturned and he was released from Louisiana's infamous Angola State
Prison in 2001.
Along with Herman Walla... more »
A bank "bail-in" is what happens when a big bank fails and the government no longer bails them out. Such "bail-ins" comprise banks (legally in the US and possibly also in the EU!) confiscating the funds of its uninsured depositors (generally individuals and small companies) in order for the bank pay off its bondholders. This is not hypothetical! If you have your retirement nestegg deposited in one of the six largest U.S. banks, you have a strong chance of losing it if you don't find a safer place for it soon...
Banking Union Time Bomb: Eurocrats Authorize Bailouts AND Bail-InsPosted
on March
29, 2014 by Ellen Brown
“*As things stand, the banks are the permanent government of the
whichever party is in power.*”
– Lord Skidelsky, House of Lords, UK Parliament, 31 March 2011)
On March 20, 2014, European Union officials reached an historic
agreementto create a single agency to handle failing banks. Media
attention has
focused on the agreement involving the single resolution mechanism
(SRM), a
uniform system for closing failed banks. But the real story ... more »
Satire: “Issa Subpoenas Seven Million Americans Who Signed Up for Obamacare”
*“Issa Subpoenas Seven Million Americans Who Signed Up for Obamacare”*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— "Accusing them of involvement in “a
widespread conspiracy to save President Obama’s failed health-care
program,” Rep. Darrell Issa (R-California) today subpoenaed the
approximately seven million Americans who have signed up for Obamacare so
far. Arguing that the impressive enrollment numbers “don’t pass the smell
test,” the House Oversight Committee chairman told reporters, “Any rational
person would come to the same conclusion that I have: namely, that this is
... more »
thuggish RCMP officers who murdered Robert Dziekanski just can't help
themselves. As I said, they killed a guy and now they're facing
*perjury*charges for having lied their asses of in the subsequent
inquiry. And, I
mean, I've done and said some mean things in my time. I've been a
asshole to some people. I still cringe inside about these lapses. I'd
to think, ... I'd really like to think that even if I was so callous, so
lazy, so stupid, so ... well, whatever animated those assholes to murder
Robert Dziekanski and then lie, lie, lie to cover themselves, ... if I
was ... more »
Turkey at war with Syria. Prepping a chemical attack on Damascus
Erodgan says:
* Erdoğan has surprised many after his party's victory in the local
elections by declaring that Turkey is at war with Syria. Experts, however,
say the declaration is problematic in a legal sense.*
Onur Öymen, the former deputy chairman of the main opposition Republican
People's Party (CHP), told Today's Zaman that Erdoğan's remarks about
declaring war on Syria do not comply with either national law or the
principles of international law.* “Turkey cannot declare war on a country
unless an attack happens first. This [declaring war] is not possible
without a reason,” *sa... more »
Australians are slowly edging toward facing the reality of what the
boatpeople saga is really all about.
The catch-cry of the right-wing Australian commentariat and politicians has
been ‘Stop the Boats’. They have claimed in their rhetoric that by stopping
the boats the drownings will stop. They have said that, in order to deter
others from making the perilous journey across the sea in leaky boats,
those that do safely make it to Australia’s shores must be treated harshly
by being told they will never be able to settle in Australia and that
they’ll be placed in camps in places tha... more »
How Big A Disaster Will Steve Israel Prove To Be In November?
Yesterday Steve Israel was crowing on Twitter how 4 powerful senior
Republican committee chairmen are retiring (Doc Hastings, Mike Rogers, Buck
McKeon and, now, Dave Camp). What his tweets conspicuously left out, of
course, is that Israel didn't recruit any candidates against them and
actually undermined candidates who ran against Rogers and McKeon last
cycle. Israel is well-known as an incompetent lummox incapable of putting
together a two-cycle plan to beat vulnerable Republicans. They have nothing
to worry about from him. He leaves his old fraternity brothers from the
Center Ai... more »
John Campbell versus Charles Darwin
John Campbell is shilling for warmists again – in the process setting
himself against observations made by none other than Charles Darwin.
Setting off a Twitter mini-feud with Matthew Hooton on Monday, Campbell
informed his followers, presumably to raise the profile of the latest IPCC
report – a report summarised (approvingly) by Palmerston North blogger
Idiot/Savant as predicting “war, famine and death,” and by resigning IPCC
scientist Richard Tol as an unjustified “apocalyptic” survey heavy on
Campbell, of course, swallowed whole the four horsemen rhetoric and was... more »
What we get is all we get
Beloved is cutting the flowering stalks from the rhubarb. I'm in the greens
Seedlings. In February the shaker of mixed seeds was shaken across the
flats and what came up, came up. Lots of lettuce, but as usual the eager
beavers were the radishes and kale. There might be some spinach or joi
choi, can't tell yet. Everything that looked better than halfway decent was
pricked out in March, after the second pair of leaves appeared, and moved
to its own three inch pot.
The pots were set into water-retaining flats and bottom watered thereafter,
to prevent damping off. The flats we... more »
Abbot and Costello were right
If you can’t find one…
It never gets old.
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at
Sweet Home Alabama
Over the next few days, I will be visiting a couple colleges in Alabama.
If you happen to be in the area, you might be interested to know that I am
giving a public lecture at Troy University on April 3. You can find
information about it here.
The New York Times and the nature of being!
*TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014*
*Recommending a change in focus:* Yesterday morning, the New York Times
offered a news report about Martin Heidegger’s notebooks.
At issue were a pair of long-standing questions—whether Heidegger was a
Nazi, and if so to what extent? That said, we’ll admit that we were struck
by the highlighted passage in Jennifer Schuessler’s second paragraph:
SCHUESSLER (3/31/14): To his strongest detractors, Heidegger was a
committed National Socialist whose *hugely influential ideas about the
nature of being* and the dehumanizing effects of modern technology and much
o... more »
Someone found NCR (not guilty by reason of insanity) is not guilty of a criminal offence and should not be treated as guilty
Kachkar (Re), 2014 ONCA 250 reminds us of the distinction between NCR and
guilt. Quaere whether this suggests government changes to make NCR more
onerous will meet with the Constitution and fundamental justice? The Court
[21] In considering these issues, it is important to remember that,
despite the respondent's actions on January 12, 2011 and their tragic
consequences, he was not convicted, but found not criminally responsible on
account of mental disorder. The existence of a distinct NCR status in our
law reflects the moral conviction that those suffering from ment... more »
KSFY Camp brings a face to South Dakota Tribes' KXL fight
KSFY News - Sioux Falls, SD News, Weather, Sports
Rosebud Sioux tribal member Wizipan Little Elk said, "We're going to be
here at least a month, at which point, we're expecting President Obama
and the administration will be making a decision. If the decision is no,
we will pick up camp and go home and continue to be vigilant about the
issue. If he says yes to the route, we're going
Why Legal Marijuana Use Can Get You Fired
If marijuana use is legal in your state, or if you have a legal
prescription for medical marijuana, are you safe from being fired? The
short answer is no. Worse, if you work for a legal marijuana dispensary,
you can still be convicted of a crime for doing your job.
Why? There are two big reasons legal marijuana use can get you fired. I
discuss them, along with what legal rights you have if you are a legal
marijuana user in my AOL Jobs column here.
Florida folks, pay attention. It isn't legal here yet, but medical
marijuana is on the ballot, so we'll have to deal with these issues soon.
MSNBC: Rep Grijalva on opposition to Keystone XL pipeline
Spirit Camp Rosebud
March 31, 2014: MSNBC's Ed Show was at Rosebud Spirit Camp, broadcast
includes Lakota protection camp from Keystone and interview with Arizona
Rep Grijalva, vice chair of Native American Caucus
The Trip
Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon's The Trip was a real joy as the two
comedians/comedic actors entertained us and themselves as they wended their
way around some of the North's better eating places in search of fine food,
a decent mobile phone signal and of course 'themselves'. A new series set
in Italy from Liguria via Rome, Pompeii and Ravello, to Capri has been
announced as coming soon... I can hardly wait.
If you can't wait another few weeks, then here are all of the impressions
from the first series...
And here's some impressions from the upcoming Italian Trip; it's the Batman
pi... more »
Farewell Frankie Knuckles
I was hoping it was a cruel April Fool's joke when I saw it on Twitter this
morning. Unfortunately, no. I am gutted that Frankie Knuckles - a man
weighing in at just 59 years of age - has been cruelly snatched away. For
the non-dance people who frequent these parts, to house music he was the
Beatles, Black Sabbath and ABBA combined, except more important than that.
He arguably *invented* the genre that paved the way for the world
domination of dance music. It's an awful, awful shame that Frankie has died
so young.
What better way to remember his immortal legacy by chewing your way ... more »
Colloidal Silver. It will truly keep you Healthy. It will kill all bacteria and viruses, including Ebola Virus
The Ebola Virus has been in the news recently. It is claimed there is an
epidemic of it and it is spreading. One thing I know for sure is Colloidal
Silver is something everyone should have. It is easy to make yourself.
When you make it yourself it is Ion Silver. The silver is suspended in the
water in minute particles, through the positive and negative reactions.
There are places on
Why Did Raj Chetty Allow His Research to Be Used Against Teachers in Vergara?
An expert witness for the plaintiffs in Vergara v California, Tom Kane,
argued that effective teaching, and presumably ineffective teaching, in the
Los Angeles schools can be measured. Vergara, of course, seeks to strike
down teacher due process and it is about as overtly anti-teacher of an
action as can be imagined. In a previous […]
The Realist Report - Dr. E. Michael Jones: Jewish Revolutionary Spirit
On this edition of *The Realist Report*, we'll be joined by Dr. E. Michael
Jones, editor of *Culture Wars magazine*. Dr. Jones and I will be
discussing his book *The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on
World History*.
You can download the mp3 for this program *here*, or visit *The Realist
Report* on BlogTalkRadio to subscribe via iTunes and view past programs.
How Does Fred Upton Define Bribery?
Undoubtably, the most winnable Republican-held seat in Michigan is MI-06,
in the southwest part of the state, centering on blue-blue Kalamazoo. Alas,
though, multimillionaire Republican Fred Upton is extremely vulnerable,
DCCC Chairman Steve Israel refuses to target his old frat brother-- or any
other senior Republican policy-makers, part of a quid pro quo that leaves
his own seat safe from a challenge by the NRCC. Just look at this poll PPP
conducted, not for the DCCC, of course, but by
There are almost NO Republicans being targeted by the DCCC who are as
vulnerable... more »
*Bodybuilders Word por Kurt Stallaert.*
Certain documents explain how child abuse networks are protected.
*The following is from:* *The Institute for the Study of Globalization and
Covert Politics*
The first document was a death bed testimony from an old woman named *Jacqueline
(Schaarbeek Police, Jacqueline Smolders interview, March 18, 1997)
Smolders started out by saying:
"I want to testify in relation to the murdered and missing children, the
investigation of which is ongoing at the District Attorney's Office and the
examining magistrate in Neufchateau."
(Neufc... more »
April 1: Yesterday, we had freezing rain...
...if you missed it the TandT has lots of pictures of what rain looks like
when it freezes. We also had a massive power outage in the evening. Alas,
there are no photos of the dark. Couldn't they have used flash bulbs?
And the saga of Salisbury recreation goes on, making that a possibility of
becoming the story of the year.
The only story worth reading in Section A is "End of Health Accord
protested". Ottawa is cutting its contributions to provincial health care
budgets. Protesters say this could even mean an eventual end to medicare
and a return to private medicine. The protesters ... more »
The latest about the dead jellyfish!
*TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014*
*Stelter interruptus:* This past Sunday morning, we let the analysts settle
back to enjoy some CNN.
They were watching Reliable Sources, the famous channel’s weekly show about
the work of the press corps. In our view, Brian Stelter, the program’s new
host, has been improving his offerings of late, after a very soft start.
Good lord! Stelter even spent the first segment asking if CNN has perhaps
been overdoing its coverage of the missing plane!
We thought Jim Fallows did a poor job explaining what was wrong with the
coverage. But the question was a good one... more »
Laymen's allergy to the holographic principle
*Sabine Hossenfelder isn't excited about key modern physics because she has
no clue about it*
An overwhelming majority of the best and good theoretical physicists and
formally oriented particle physicists would consider the insights about the
holographic principle (and AdS/CFT) as insights belonging among the five
most important developments of theoretical physics of the last 20 years and
a very large part, possibly a majority, would place it at the very top.
Your humble correspondent's views coincide with those near the boundary of
these two (overlapping) groups.
For many decades... more »
Patricia Weitsman Scholarship
Patty didn’t want flowers, so instead endow a scholarship at Ohio
University. This is from an email her husband sent out to her supporters:
Please visit Give and note in the online form that the gift is in
memory of Dr. Patricia Weitsman and request that funds be designated to The
Patricia A. Weitsman
Continue reading
Argentina: UFOs Reappear Over Lago Puelo
*Source:Realidad OVNI Argentina and Planeta UFODate: 04.01.2014*
*Argentina: UFOs Reappear Over Lago Puelo*
*By Julio
Lago Puelo is a reservoir surrounded by the Comarca Andina del Paralelo 42
in northwestern Chubut province, Argentina.
A few months ago, eyewitness Ariel de Chazal claimed to have repeatedly
seen "luminous spheres" traveling from one spot to another in the "Tres
Picos" region. Chazal, not customarily a seeker of these objects in the
sky, nonetheless ... more »
Betrayed: What really happened to Chinook helicopter "Extortion 17" shot down in Afghanistan?...
*make of this what you will. *
The Blaze: Congress Sheds New Light on Horrific ‘Extortion 17’ Tragedy
That Claimed Lives of 30 U.S. Troops
WORLD WITHOUT FACTS, AMEN: Outrage ratcheted by Pareene!
*TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014*
*Part 2—Nuzzi cribs from Zernike:* When Bridget Kelly sent that email, did
she do so at the direction of her superiors within the Christie camp?
We can’t answer that question. To all intents and purposes, the Mastro
report doesn’t ask.
Kelly’s famous email to David Wildstein said this: “Time for some traffic
problems in Fort Lee.” Wildstein proceeded to plan, then execute, the
now-famous access lane closings.
What did Kelly think she was doing when she sent that email to Wildstein?
And did she check with her superiors before she sent it?
The Mastro report... more »
The latest edition of *This Issue* features Doug Rawlings from Veterans for
Peace (VFP). He shares his story of transformation into a peace activist
while serving in Vietnam and the contemporary effort by the government to
whitewash the Vietnam story and VFP's planned response.
Rawlings also discusses the US 'pivot' into the Asia-Pacific, Ukraine, and
the upcoming April 12 VFP rally at BIW during the 'christening' of the new
Zumwalt stealth destroyer.
TN BATs Out of the Cave and Into the Limelight
Democracy is alive and well in those organizations that truly advocate for
children and public education. Two such organizations are *Tennesseans
Reclaiming Educational Excellence* (TREE) and *Badass Teachers of Tennessee*(BATS).
Jim Horn and Denise Wilburn, authors of *The* *Mismeasure of Education*,
were the guest speakers on March 1 at a Community Forum on *Standardized
Testing: Tested to Death* in Nashville, Tennessee hosted by TREE and
attended by members of both organizations as well as members of the public.
What is striking about both organizations is their passion for publ... more »
Musical Interlude: Bryan El, “Solaris”
Bryan El, “Solaris”
Did George Galloway really say this? Or is this an April Fool?
Not just the Ukrainian Conspiracy Theory at the end but the agreeing with
his caller...
Dmitry Orlov,“In The US, Democracy Is Now A Sham”
*“In The US, Democracy Is Now A Sham”*
by Dmitry Orlov
“The founding principle for this new form of government which emerged in
the 18th century, was that the Common Man was the ultimate source of power.
Citizen legislators would enact the laws and shape the nation’s destiny.
But instead, our republic is now strong-armed by professional politicians.
The two dominant concerns of these careerists are to STAY in power and to
do the bidding of those who ENABLE them to stay in power. Anyone who doubts
this statement might try explaining why campaign finance reform and term
limits are pe... more »