Sunday, May 26, 2013

26 May - Netvibes 1

RitalinRitalin (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: December 1965 FDA Report on Enforceme...English: December 1965 FDA Report on Enforcement and Compliance (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Mass nervous breakdown: Millions of Americans on the brink as stress pandemic ravages society 

Our normalcy bias prevents us from taking notice that tens of millions of people in Western countries are dropping like flies from illness, depression and self-destruction. 

Detoxifying the Body, Mind and Soul: A Holistic Approach

Environmental toxicity  is absolutely everywhere. There are disturbing levels of man-made chemicals in wildlife, fish, waters, plants, even in the frozen Arctic. Household cleaning products, kitchenware, house insulations, carpet outgases, paints, solvents, insecticides, greases, lawn mower, gas water heater, heated car engine, gas dryer, wallboards, pressed wood, plywood, wallpaper, mattresses, pillows… You name it, and it has a toxic chemical. And it is not one or two toxic chemicals. Take for instance carpet emissions, which emanate over 200 volatile organic compounds which then overload your liver.
When some toxic chemicals are broken down by detox pathways on the liver, they become oxidized, and therefore more reactive and more toxic than the original toxin. These reactive compounds can trigger cancer or DNA changes before they are fully broken down. Toxics can get stored in your fat potentially for years if not permanently. Biopsy studies of fat deposits have found chemicals in 100% of those studied including things like styrene, dichlorobenzene, dioxins and PCBs – which are among the strongest causes of cancer known to man.
So it is not only the food we eat, it is the environmental medium we live in. While we can’t do much to avoid taking in thousands of pollutants every time we take a breath or every time we take shower for that matter, understanding how we got here is essential if we are to take some steps to recover our health and counteract the environmental impact on our genes. Let’s review an example of our toxic world so we can have an idea what we are up against and why switching to a diet that is the most physiological one for the bodies is the best option we have.
Real Coastal Warriors shared Occupy the FDA's photo.


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