Saturday, November 07, 2009

10 - 20 Mar 2008 - My Opera

Shoulder Sleeve Insignia of the {{w|Surface De...Image via Wikipedia

10 March - Quickpost

Friday Quickpost 14 March

No Accounting for Taste
Friday Covers
Chile's failed economic laboratory
Clean green laundry for a cleaner environment
Cyber demonstration : more than 21,000 join in protest against online Censorship
Titan II accident McConnell AFB Kansas, 1978
Mighty Rex Star Wars Guide to the Candidates HT Caer Corvus ( That would be a "murder" of crows on the header ? )
Walking Upstream
Clinton Campaign Affirmative action Campaign dog whistles
Geraldine Ferraro has jumped the shark
Lack of imagination and lie-bertarian social fallacies
Jury nullification and the war on () drugs

Surface Deployment and Distribution Command
Military Global

A World of Trouble 15 March

The Worldwide Network of U.S. military bases
The war on military history
Military history is for male writers only
Oral history project captures Iraq stories
Veteran dedicates career to preserving military history
History invades military turf
PBS - Military
2004 Military News Archive
Immigration meltdown vs. war meltdown and US elections
Longer-lived grannies may have fewer grandchildren
The faceless and the dead - the Guardian and Iraq's refugees
Documents and articles on the invasion and recolonisation of Iraq
War in Iraq - Historical Analysis and facts
The Israeli-Lebanon Water Wars
Owning the Weather - the secret agenda of weather manipulation
Aluminum, heavy metals and chemtrails
( Zionist conspiracy links are chronic at some information nexuses. Zionism is a historically recorded Israeli fringe movement. Haaretz published an article decrying growth of its influence in Israel - funded and abetted by the U.S. White House - in April 2006. Myself, I know no reason to believe the tail wags the dog : although the U.S.S. Cole incident and allegations of Kissinger's plans are deeply troubling. Such information is posited as hate-mongering by those who torture and kill en masse without compunction. )

18 March - First Picks

Thickest, oldest Arctic ice is melting
Gurkha veterans seek equal rights
Russia foresees new problems with the West
Parelli and other House challengers have a plan
Dominion Power : Outright lying starts here
VB Dems
Green Jobs : Obama walks the talk
Author Arthur C. Clark dies ( Sci-Fi buffs lose a legendary Master )
Southern Baptist leaders shift position on climate change
Storms flood parts of central U.S., killing two
FCC living in the dark ges ; a threat to net neutrality aims
Online oligarchy : old guard dominate net news coverage
Omega-6 fatty acids found to be dietary cause of depression, heart disease
Raw honey : exploring the benefits of this ancient superfood
Cutting-edge computing helps discover the origin of life on Earth
Algorythm finds the network - for genes or the Internet
Link between Alzheimer's and stroke illuminated
On the trail of genetically modified pathogens
New aspirin-like substances may provide safer way to fight heart disease
Tories press post Office rethink
Ending Iraq war is a bipartisan objective ( And who keeps the political bagman from running play ? The 'profits' - in inflatobucks - are astounding for those gouging the American people. Those who decry the analysis 'class warfare' ignore major and obvious shifts in income demographics : aided by tax policy which exempts those with the ability to pay. An what underpins America's 'economic miracle' ? Steal from the poor. )
Lee Publications
Mountain Runner
Talking about the Principles Smith-Mundt
Strategic Information Operations, an example
Understanding the purpose Public Diplomacy
Military power of the People's Republic of China 2007 PDF - Report to Congress
2020 Submission : Topic 3: Sustainability (C), (A)
Euro vs UDS as premier currency
Would McCain make the US more progressive than a Dem win ?
Ultra Jewish cut help arrested child-molester escape justice
Red tape good for economics : The Economist
The Economist : Iraq cost the US $25K per household
Media sexualization of children inquiry
Regulations on LUV required

Mar 18 - Some articles of note

UK teachers told to rewrite history
( History is written 'by the winners' )
And now for the really bad news...
How many child prostitutes is Bush responsible for ?
How to destroy a country in five years
( Hey. Saddam was trained by ... wait for it ... the U.S.A. )
Tomgram : The Eight Inside-the-Beltway Fundamentals of the Iraq War
" * A belief that all answers of any value are to be found in Washington among the serried ranks of officials, advisors, former officials, pundits, think-tank operators and other inside-the-Beltway movers and shakers, who have been tested over the years and found never to have a surprise in them. Most are notable mainly for having been wrong so often. This is called 'experience'. "
( This would be an ironic description if it were inaccurate. It is, however, merely scathing. )
Digital artwork by Rado Javor
Fight itchy skin the natural way 

19 March - BlueGirlRedState

Humane Society sues FDA over downer cows
( Rather like taking down Capone with the Income Tax evasion charge )
Blue Girl Red State
A lone voice among the deluded
Someone call Petraeus on this...
Five years ago today
They are not just commas, Mr. Bush
Fifth Anniversary Observations ( central lies of Bush propaganda machine )
None shall serve their country
( I have a rather different 'take' on this than Pale Rider : see comments. I'm glad for the tip. )
High tech and high anxiety in Iraq
FSA investigates 'market manipulation' as bank shares plunge
Protesters 'surrender in Tibet'
( The Dali Lama is a dedicated pacifist. Looks like the Chinese propaganda about his inciting violence have caused the desired aftereffect. )
Five years of Iraq lies
independent media center
The Nightowl Newswrap
Another system that worked, destroyed by the Bush administration
( Picked up by The Carpetbagger )
This is their guy ? Seriously ? ( McCain's dementia [ not a formal diagnosis ])
Dude - you're not going to get rich with that thing
( Better to get a private water treatment kit )
DIN McConnell can't tell fact from fiction ( Good tale, though )
Do we even HAVE a Secretary of State ?
Read the whole thing ( Resigning a commission I love it. But I have to leave it.)
Cellphone pictures in Lhasa

March 19 Iraq War Blogswarm 

19 March - Late Links

A thirsty planet looks for solutions to water shortage
Considering the historie and nature of Blogs of Note
Five Years Ago Many Top Newspapers Opposed War
Bush bashes PBS ( again ) and the New York Times helps
( Vivisection of the operation to deprive Americans of information )
Hillary's Voice
If Social Security were a private company, the Washington Post would be sued for libel
Post-Apocalyptic Film and The Postmodern Apocalaypse ( Not sure what was being imbibed here : just a bit of nerdishness becuz. o.k. ! )
City of Seattle gives bottled water the boot
Visa shares boom in boon for bank owners
Dollar tough to sell
Staph-caused pneumonia more common in U.S.
Botnet Scams are Exploding
DISQUS Behind the scenes blog
New browser eases web sharing
US-carrier spat 'breaks' net
Retune the body with a partial fast
The Existentialist Cowboy
Darrow, Darwin and Dayton
How the GOP will benefit from impending economic collapse
( Whew ! Len pulled out all the stops on this one. )
American Concentration Camps
Dances with Wolfowitz, et al
Freedom of Thought
Call them on the absurdities Demand that they make sense !
Bush and the CIA
US Drugged
12 Questions I would like to see asked of Hillary Clinton
Poor Man's War
The Sociological View - review of an AlterNet article ( wonderful )
"When Change is Not Enough : Seven Steps to Revolution"
Alien Contact, 9/11 and MKULTRA ( SDI too ! Bear with the feeling the guy's mad : he's brilliant )
Hello Everyone ! ( Guess he's not been posting long - this time. I'm not opening up an AOL a/c to comment at this time, so will merely note, for his info via trackback, his stat counter should not register his visits to his own blog at all )

Dad2059 - if you stop by - you have to "collect" this one.

20 March - First Look at the Web

The Folly of Attacking Iran
( The worst part of this movement is that it's necessary. I believe the stories about Iraq's intentions to be precisely what the CIA leak said : Bu$h$hit. That's why "Quotations from President Ahmadinjad from Iran" are there : compare them with 'news' reports seen by Americans about what he says. Ain't Propaganda wunnerful ? It also distracts from paying attention to real issues - Civil Rights for instance - and attacks on the functioning of American government at all levels. I don't have to tell you about that : Len Hart at "Existentialist Cowboy" is doing a much better job than I ever could. Ditto "Clusterfuck Nation". )
Folo is in action revealing Louisiana corruption : has interesting RSS sidebars
Radical Islamists no longer welcome in Pakistani tribal areas
We live in a Nightmare. Death and carnage is everywhere.
Five years after Iraq's 'liberation', there are worms in the water
Thiscould perhaps help account for that )
Oil and Gold prices continue to plummet
OECD slashes US growth forecast
States' data obscure how few actually finish high school
State disciplinary actions against educators ( Death of a thousand cuts ? )
Iraq War has transformed the tech-savvy US military
States step up to aid vets returning from Iraq
China tensions sway Taiwan election
S.C. Highway Patrol : videos lead to probes HT McClatchey
Human trafficking steps from the shadows
The Worst Foods in America
( It happened I was playing Evanescence when I blogged this - " Weight of the World" )
Folate intake linked to genetic abnormalities in sperm

20 March - News Update

Walter Reed and Beyond Special Report - WaPo
The struggle to defeat roadside bombs
( Still searching for technical solutions to the problem of how best to continue to defy Iraqi resistance to foreign occupation )
EDS to install software for Pentagon
Fantasies on Iraq
China's patchy Tibet blackout
( Lessons from Burma ? "Chinese lost any sense of indignation at being deprived of straight news by party censors". Bwahaha ! Please excuse me.
Why is it more proper to achieve the same result by suppressing independent press via economic means ? It's more efficient ! )
Conventional search results for "Reporters without Borders" ( Um. Reporters sans Frontiers )
Core Arguments
( The perennial nuke proposal. I have sources here. I suggest a good look through posts at Politics 'n Poetry as a start. They were good enough for a lot of 'eyebrow-raising' : not least of all because of multiple serious problems in supply and essentially permanent radioactive waste deposits ; plus a history of problems with 'containment'. )
The Darfur Tragedy Video - WaPo
( That was the "Feelgood" version of the news ! Let's have a comparitive look at BlueGirlRedState )
More good news ! ( Libby disbarred )
One more down ( Photoshopping Maureen Dowd )
War profiteering kills ( Soldiers lost to shoddy construction ! )
The Washington Post editorial page blows chunks ( hehe )
The Nightowl Newswrap
America slides further and further towards a Depression

Jonestown 20 March

"After These Messages" highlights the problem of the uninformed consumer drone : good comments led me to some new finds
Iraq War Blogswarm ( Oh. Wow. Fairlane does let it all hang out most of the time. )
The Irony and the Ecstasy ( Spotlight on sex, not violence, as litigated 'indecency'. That has to be one of the biggest all by itself : a true affront to public morality : degrade natural function which has basic attraction while ignoring/promoting destruction. These are 'civil' authorities ? Right. These are the people who imprison addicts instead of seeking effective rehabilitative measures. Not that that's likely to be easy. )
"I Tried" adds more to that train of thought.
"Spitzer was exposed not because what he did was wrong he was exposed because he's a dick."
Suzi Riot : Rants from the Left
March 19 Blogswarm : The Women of Iraq
Women Do serve in combat
The Roving Ellipsis
( I'm not going to precis this chap : a progressive with her own thoughts who likes to work out the details. Recommended.)
The Divine Democrat
Race Bait and Switch
Recommended posts
Five years of peril - Five years without peace
"There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people"
Post of useless information ( "Crime" )
( Do read the St. Paddy's Day post : a personal anecdote of an experience similar to many )
Flashes of Life
( Compare and contrast )
Lindsay's Lobes
Jan 30 Emotion in the Marketplace
Xpatriated Texan
Has links to other blogs and notes on current events

20 March BlogRoaming
Make Firefox open multiple homepages everytime it's started
( or you could open a feedreader but what the heck )
G Mail Send images but not as attachments
Reduce the sensitivity of your notebook's touchpad
Audio Ad Hosting - Pay per Play advertising
Cellware - Upcoming mobile social network

I visited Dad2059 and was reading UFO links and following contents when I decided to follow The Highwayman Now, like Pastor Tom Usher my childhood was perverted by some very different ideas and attitudes than the usual. I wondered if I wasn't in danger of wetting myself reading "A Conversation with God".
That will change fast if you pay attention to "Well..can't say I didn't warn yuh"
Ass-kissing elitist shills moderating media forums
( There's a definite "Matt Bastard" style of blogging here. I was suspected of having a command of "language" by Folo yesterday...there's a fair chance, though I hadn't ear-burning warning for the delicate. You I should send to Rude Pundit for edification. Don't miss the close of that last bit. It shows why the regular military forces, U.S. Coast Navy and Coast Guard, Canadian Navy, U.S. National Guard are "out-of-place" to do their presumed duty of defending the country "from all enemies foreign and domestic". )

Don't think that Dad2059 is restricted to the wild and wonderful - although his tastes are somewhat, ah, eclectic. "Federal Reserve Bubble Bath, updated" is an original and effective description of the current financial scam which is only beginning the theft of American property from the current owners.
"Transhumanism, Utility Fog and Rules of Uplift" is not your eveyday post. It's short should peek.
"Was this a response to the 1974 Arecibo broadcast ?" SETI stuff.
"Some Singularity Signs" ( Do you know of Vernor Vinge ? AI becomes self-aware ideas )

Since I was looking up the URL for The Rude Pundit I took a look. "Being Dick Cheney means never having to say I'm wrong." Suddenly, rudeness is appropriate, if inadequate.
"Photos that make the Rude Pundit want to down three Klonopin with a fifth of Wild Turkey"
And a blow-by-blow of Barack Obama's race inimitable style.
( He may be crude...he's surely not stupid. )

Anyway, I went over to Real Liberal Christian Church to find some bozo had spammed the joint and login to WordPress was necessary to comment. Not happening. But: I had been thinking of Mandate from God...the post the Highwayman. So...
There are hungry people even in the United States : Statistics from the US conference for mayors
Corn for fuel : Serious environmental,health and economic fallout
Fuel prices : Impact on food prices
Foreclosures and bankruptcies : Home foreclosures, bankruptcies, subprime-mortgage debacle, unemployment, stagflation, college loans
Waging wars on borrowed money : Sacrifice, savings, irrational consumption, credit disaster, expensive wars, reserve currency, the Petrodollar, the Euro, inflationary pressures
( Hey. That doesn't even list the total post. You really have to wonder why these uninformed parochial ivory tower types think they have anything to contribute to the discussions about the way society works. :jester: )

20 March Late Links

Recession benefits from Left perspective
Timely inquiry announcement
Adam Smith and the financial crisis
For some young Tibetan exiles, the Dalai Lama's 'Middle Way' is a road to failure
Getting smart about Cuba ( Bravo ! )
Guantanamo : The Bigger Picture
Bush diplomacy : Predator planes are conducting assassination by air
Iraq Vets : Racism endemic ; comes from top of command chain
Turkey, Iraq and Syria to form collaborative water institute
Trade, Climate and Bali
The best home remedies may be sitting in your spice rack
150,000 free images and sounds
Clueless guys can't read women
1/3 of military women sexually harassed
Foreign Policy in Focus
The War at Home
Memorializing Iraq
Iraq's "Hidden" War Raed Jarrar - Riverbend's 'middle'
( I can scarcely recommend this article highly enough for its clarity and description )
Rule, not reconciliation
( I'm having a hard time distinguishing this from 'ruthless suppression' )
Resisting the Empire
The Million Year War Tom Engelhardt
" It is a delusion to believe that the U.S. Military is a force that stands between Iraq and catastrophe."
World Ownership Noam Chomsky
The professor as Open Book
NY lawmaker wants to outlaw targeted web ads
Cool online tools
Ancient asteroids formed at Solar system's heart
Deadly floods ravage MidWest Slideshow
Heading for the Olympics ? Beware of Big Brother ( Be afraid, be very afraid, etc. The power of 'suggestion' never lets up. Mental programming depends on influencing people to think in directed patterns. Fear causes stress, fatigue, confusion and capitulation.)
Foundation offers $10M for gas sipper
Reaching out to lay audiences : communicating science through museums,science centers and community programs
Get the most from your rechargeable batteries
This site of leaked documents is so good, the government broke the Constitution to shut it down
( I guess the strategy of avoiding problems by not making a big fuss about the site could only work for so long ! )
Reading with the enemy
UW workers say comprehensive sex ed cuts teen pregnancies
A long-running mystery, the common cramp
( I've had terrible multiple cramps : several Brewer's Yeast tablets taken daily ( 4-6 ) until I kill a bottle seems to cut incidence for an indefinite period. A GP suggested that when I was a boy as a cheap source of Vitamin D. I've done that for decades but only once every several years. Go figure. )
Post traumatic gene ID'd
The Neanderthal-Human split : very ancient history
No Doubt About It
Plans for anti-terror unit found in garbage
HBOS : Malicious traders in the city try to topple the Halifax bank
$ Keep Bailing $
US Supreme Court investigates the right to bear arms
Another YouTube hack
FCC and Fox go to Supreme Court
Democrats in Florida say No to revote
Amazing Google Earth
15 April 2008 Countdown !
Slump moves from Wall Street to Main Street
Fox News endorses Barack Obama


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5 - 9 Mar 2008 My Opera

5 March Intelligence Daily Featured

America's Moral Deficit
Torture and complicity : Meet the ATA
Senator suggests UN tax on US not such a bad idea
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler - PDF - 162 pages
United Technologies proposes acquisition of Diebold for $40 per share cash
Saudi Arabia's crude oil reserves propaganda
Declining coal supplies add to energy worries
Are we just pretending to be green
Where there is no dentist
The Federal Reserve's rescue has failed
Half the world - nearly three billion people - live on less than two dollars a day
Cut in TV and computer time keeps children slimmer
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America : A Chronological Paper Trail : Free E Book by Author
"Silence is Health

5 March News - Second Edition

Windmill with a twist can provide fresh water from seawater directly
Hat Tip Raed in the Middle
Columbia kills FARC Negotiator
Chavez : Colombia is the Israel of Latin America
Signing Statements and the Rollback of American Law
FBI had privacy violations in 2006 before reforms
Uribe's IllegaL cross-border raid
Universe submerged in a sea of chilled neutrinos
Autism payout reignites vaccine controversy
( Controversy ! That's not coverage ! Try this There's good stuff on this site. How to paralyze a nation)
American Psycho : An elite exposed in an exit speech
Coastguard staff stage pay strike UK
Earth could be in a neighbourhood dispute with a death star
Weather map interface lets you feel the wind
Boys and girls brains are differentGender differences in languages appear biological
Nine Inch nails hammer a spike into the record industry
Making sense uncommon

5 March Late Links

6 March - Morning Quickpost

Prepaying for gas can leave you broke
( See Patrick MG 's comment )
No doubt about it
Cheap People
Is Barack Obama just another politician ?
Obama "Soprano Style" financial choir
Walmart US Corps fund China's military might
'Protein-friendly' chip offers rapid disease testing
Jeff Healey
War on Terror - The Fear Factory
Obama dating
Barack Obama killed my blog! ( Oops ! )
Blackwater and Obama
Obama mum on NAFTA contact with Canada
( Canadians would know about politicians playing NAFTA sentiment against others while holding to it as policy )
Small explosion rocks New York's Times Square
Stop the bad guys : Haute Secure 2.0 released
Nightowl Newswrap
Matt Drudge is an asshat
Politics on the bus
Couldn't have come at a worse time ( Secrecy a threat to democracy )
How many Texas Republicans crossed over to Hillary ?
Make it so ! A Clinton-Obama ticket ?
Economic Objectorvism
Employment statistics are the best statistics
Tree of life has branches rearranged by evolutionary biologists
Sticky blood protein yields clues to autism
National dragnet a click away
( They'll be rolling out "Robocop" any time now )
The Patent reform Act will harm the U.S. technoogy industry
Vermont towns vote to indict Bush, Cheney
I stopped at Ten Percent ( another I need to check on more frequently ) and spotted a note that led me to check AVAAZ, which no longer has that suspicious GWOT warnoff on an international activist site. Ditto The Blue State Yay!

6 March Surfing Finds

Violent storms, water shortages in store for Canada
Stop the Second Holocaust Canary in the Coal Mine
( Action to be taken before attacking Iran )
American Respect
Mask of Anarchy
Gaza : Ethnic cleansing on the table ?
What links Uribe, Exxon and Chevron ?
Colombian lies about Ecuador and Venezuela - Part of wider US campaign ?
Iain Dale - The blogging equivalent of the Emperor's new clothes
Ecuador sends troops to Colombian border ?
USS New York - Most inappropriate memorial in history ?
Spain - an election that seems very familiar
Venezuelan Army put on high alert
Mar 6 will be day for Osanloo Mansour
Ben Griffin World Against War speech
Israel prepared to target civilian areas
Prince Harry - the multi-level PR coup
Out of Iraq Bloggers Caucus
Winter soldier : Speaking truth to power
Antiwar movement could roar like a lion in March
Is this what we're fighting for ?
Bush announces no drawdown after July
State Department follies in Iraq
Does America believe in justice for the people of Iraq ? An open response to Matthew Walleser's Informed Comment Editorial on Iraqi collaborators
$3 Trillion, not $60 Billion for Iraq
Posters made in Iraq
The decoupling debate
Existentialist Cowboy
Call out the instigator, there's something in the air!
Journalist persecuted for documenting Bush family connections to Nazi regime
How to get your city or town to indict Bush and Cheney
Texas has a whorehouse in it
Prison Nation : Over one in a hundred Americans are in prison

7 March - Friday Finds

Who leaked the details of a CIA-Mossad plot against Iran ?
Senator seeks to overturn FCC media ownership rule
Hollywood North says Canada's tax plan is censorship
An ad agency that wants to change the world ?
Can third graders change the world ?
Quantum dot memory may be 'holy grail' of computing
Global water tool
'Thirsty' electric cars threaten water resources
Are plug-in hybrids a path to salvation ? Be careful what you wish for
Morphing aircraft mimics a bird on the wing
Latin American crisis resolved
more parachutes needed ( Um. Clusterfuck Nation predicts more and worse. )
( Today's Alternative News : The dilemma of American corporations and workers )
Blue Girl Red State
Nightowl Newswrap
Are we ready to fight the next war ?
The dumbing down of America
Successful counterinsurgency begins with the family farm
( And I pilfered this link )
New research confirms Antarctic thaw fears
Economic Objectorvism
We all hope we're wrong about climate change
A short history of America ( ! )
Some interesting maps of electibility vis-a-vis different presidential contenders Cogitamus 

Borrowed Appetizer 8 March

The dysfunction of our times 8 March

World Resources Institute
Flood control is flooding New Orleans
Bill Gates calls for capitalism that serves the poor
Free ! Why $0.00 is the future of business
The myth of the 'Transparent Society'
How good people turn evil
So you want to teach ?
Homeschoolers' setback sends shockwaves through the state
Higher food prices mean downgrading that turkey to a chicken
Clusterfuck Nation - Disarray Paragraph eight (8) to end lists some actions that should be taken to alleviate energy shortages. Denial is trashing any attempt at this.
Existentialist Cowboy
CIA Holocaust claims twenty million victims
CIA Mission : Prop up the right wing and elites; suppress everyone else
secrets of the CIA parts 1-7
How the CIA became 'Praetorian Guard' to America's Fascist right wing
The CIA and Iran/Contra
The speech that may have motivated the murder of Sen. Paul Wellstone
The power of nightmares : the rise of the politics of fear Hat Tip Buzzflash
Read this or George W. Bush will be President for the rest of your life

8 March Late Post creates a flutter by offering free international calls on mobile
Worldwide Sawdust
Latin American crisis "Made in the U.S.A."
Why Iraq could blow up in John McCain's face
Michael Pollan : Don't eat anything that doesn't rot
They knew, but did nothing
John McBush 2008
Crandall Canyon mine owner showed 'callous disregard for the law'
KBR avoids $500M in taxes in offshore scheme
Hothead McCain
Vets break silence on Iraq war crimes
Oil's End
Constitutional showdown on Iraq Occupation
Bush may fire CentCom chief Adm. Fallon, replace with commander 'more pliable' to war with Iran
Frankenfoods giant Monsanto plays bully over consumer labeling
China plans another military spending boost
Violence flares against China's doctors
UN lashes Canada over crack-pipe programs
( Don't let public health concerns upset false enthusiasm on prosecuting the 'drug control' farce )
Ahmadinejad in Bagdad tells US to quit Iraq

Articles and Anecdotes 

9 March - Morning Quickpost

9 March Surfing the Net - First Picks

Olmert approves homes for West Bank settlement
Solar energy firms leave waste behind in China
AP probe finds drugs in drinking water
Your brain on Krispy Kremes : how hunger motivates
Insulin independence : doctors combine cell biology,endocrinology to eliminate insulin implants
Detecting diabetes with light
Engineered protein shows promise as a strep vaccine
Molecular biologists devise strategy to starve brain tumours
Biologists surprised to discover parochial bacterial viruses
77 optical illusions and visual phenomena
Pictures taken at just the right time
Britain makes a camera that 'sees' under clothes
New discovery at Jupiter could help protect earth-orbit satellites
Controlling most atoms now possible
Quasicrystal mystery unraveled with computer simulation
Obama wows Casper
Catching a wave : Celtic style
For few, Iraq war has changed everything
BurnAware Free Edition
No Doubt About It
Hillary Clinton ad featuring Jack Nicholson
Art Nature
Hothead McCain
Obama's foreign policy adviser calls rival names
Turning physics on its ear
Democrats - House and Senate caves, votes to give telecoms retroactive immunity
( What's this nonsense about opposition parties ? )
KBR wants rape claim settled privately and KBR war profiteering tax dodgers
SPIRI projects on military expenditure and arms production
As good as cash : until it's not
Victor Bout : The bad man who knows too much
Obama wins Wyoming
Stand down y'all, Bush insists US not in recession
Will 2008 candidates address Iraq and Afghanistan war crimes
Patriot missiles: London Times cover story on Winter Soldier
Canada, NAFTA and Obama...wrong it was Clinton
Clinton campaign; Obama equals Ken Starr
How many Texas Republicans crossed to Hillary ?
Voters overwhelm Texas caucus officials
Persona care home owner 'very bitter' as business closes
( Held to standard superior to that required of the government itself NFLD )
The profit in decay
Human language gene gets mice moving
New stem cell technique improves genetic alteration
New species of bacteria contaminates hairspray
Say what ? Bacterial conversation stoppers
New stem cell technique improves genetic alteration
Pakistan opposition to form government
Retailers increasingly boost notebook sales
They criticized Vista : and they should know
Mozila VP talks IE8, Firefox 3
As good as cash ; until it's not
User revolt on social networks here to stay
Build a powerful reputation using the internet
Children of America; don't buy Hillary's crap
Data security incident rocks MTV
Whistle-blower : Feds have a backdoor into wireless carrier -- Congress reacts
( Hmm. That the 'rubber stamp' lot ? )
Presidential election insight via data visualization
SXSWi : What makes you Internet-famous ?
SXSWi : Steven Johnson, Henry Jenkins talk youth and collective intelligence
Wiretap Youth Activism
Blue Girl Red State
Time to give the devil his due ( McCain did good )
Feith settles no scores and achieves nothing with his new book
( Another hummer of a post : more to it than the title would suggest. Pale Rider comes through. )
Nightowl Newswrap
( And if you don't read Comments, yours truly threw in this
The Billion Dollar Pen)
Cardboard key to a 'green' office space
also GM invests in electric car maker Think
No tech cure for oceans 'damned' by plastic
Policy standstill could stall US green tech
Chevron, Weyerhauser team up for biofuels
( Don't do us any 'favours'. Why so negative ? Try my 'Ergosphere' link. )
Graffiti in Berlin
Minimum security is much different in Canada than the U.S.
New super-size ferry starts service Nanaimo-W Vancouver, B.C.
The week in 7 stories CBC
Spain's socialists win election

'Coming up' from exploration, I find I've been visited by a treasure in her own right
Huong Lan
I'm a sucker for thoughtful and descriptive language, especially when presented without artifice.

9 March Some News - and some "Old News" - that you may not have seen

I was commenting at Ten Percent and the War on Drugs came up - so I added resource material in BTW When my Bookmarks file was started, I had no idea about opening it up to others. Tags came after it was well in progress. You can find others' files there too ! I keep new posts in Furl, and StumbleUpon as windows in Pageflakes Reading page.

Recent posts by smorgan
The untold costs of drug testing abuse - PDF

So let's see what RickB has been posting

US war crimes in Somalia : Task Force 88
An exit what ? ( Bush Crime Family : too mild ! )
UN struggling in Burma ( He has lots of Burma info in past posts )
International Women's Day
Uribe's humiliation being downplayed
Torturer also a racist ( War on Drugs Scam : yep )
Burmese Junta : "discipline-flourishing democracy' ?
Standards decline at failing universities
Friday! Propaganda - Duel
Demonising Iran...when it suits
Fuck your militaristic propaganda ( which is what I call Fascism - part of it anyway )
Malignancy ( The taxman and Class War : UK )


J. Goodrich : The gender buzz
Broker system costs you years of retirement savings
Foreclosure bus tour gives buyers a different look at shaky real estate market
Eco-friendly project to change N Arlington
Editorial : Paying for north Texas rail transit

The High Calling of our daily work Beta for church blog portal

Godless Liberal Homo
Sign CODEPINK'S Letter to Congress
Women in Iraq live in a Hell we have created

Depleted Uranium posts have come up simply because it is an almost unreported problem that seems to be one of those things people heartily wish would go away. Militarily, a 'sabot round' is a tank-killer : a DU slug will penetrate armour that will deflect conventional rounds. 'Necessity' is a hard argument to deflect also. is the 'go to' site on this subject - with an informational section.

Depleted Uranium - Revisited - Updated Multiple links in this article
The Case for Depleted Uranium Testing
'Safe' uranium that left a town contaminated

They lied about making bomb grade uranium

Invasion of the Corporate Destroyers
Fighting FTAs
NASCO Corridor
North American Inland Ports Network
The SPPNA or "deep integration"
North American Union

North American Army created without the consent of Congress
Chris Floyd Online : Crushing the Ants - the Admiral and the Empire
George W. Bush - Terrorist in the White House

The Bonehead Compendium
Vol. 85 Circus Maximus : the clown car of American politics

Handful of Congressmen could rule America in event of catastrophe
9/11 attacks harm First Amendment 

1 - 4 Mar 2008 My Opera

EarthImage by tonynetone via Flickr

1 March Surfing Safari

Something BIG is cooking in the Middle East
Ominous signs point to a new and deadly phase in Darfur fighting
Judge reverses his ruling disabling web site ( Wikileaks. The judge has clued in to the fact no practical enforcement exists : that it should not hasn't percolated through yet )
Galactic survey reveals a new look for the Milky Way
UW students help El Salvadoran towns build wastewater system
A Roguish Chrestomathy ( To err is humorous )
Thumbstrips ( for Firefox )
Tips for savvy medical web surfing Hat Tip Lifehacker
Eidolon A.I. talks about the Singularity, Judgment Day, TLP
The Intention Experiment ( Jack Chalker fans should relate : Well of Souls & Flux and Anchor series )
Lack of imagination in older adults linked to declining memory Hat Tip Lily 2112
Children with autism may learn from 'virtual peers'
Rights groups renew bid to halt detainee transfers
Israeli force in Gaza is 'excessive' - UN's Ban
( Note the UN assessment is casually dismissed )
More Amercans turn to web for news
Why Ontario keeps sending patients South
( As long as the idea is not floated that the US is to be emulated : there are far better models available. I see the government received a sizeable discount ! )
In New Media world - everyone is sounding like a beltway insider
It's time to demilitarize US policy in Africa
Also : US among harshest for sentencing children
Teaching boys and girls separately
Frogs could croak if global warming not fixed
Did a Big Bang in our own solar System create Venus as we know it ?
Bottled Water Hat Tip cwlodarczyk
Telus completes wireless network
Something to Digg
Mothers lobby for midwives
Antidepressant study shakes up medicine
Those touched by cancer on Alberta reserve tell stories at legislature
( Except it may not be just oilsands : uranium causes cancer )
Study questions diabetes threshold
Bad patents, evil corporations and the rise of intellectual imperialism
West Antarctic glaciers melting at 20 times former rate
Lessons on Iraq from a founding father
Blue Girl Red State
Nightowl Newswrap
Mukasey won't enforce contempt citations ( That's to the point of being no surprise : law is not enforceable today in the USA )

What Samedi has found - a look at some finds in

Dragging back into my WordPress experience, I was known to more than a few WordPress bloggers. Samedi shared links : I had his link earlier today. Sunk without a trace.

A hostage situation
( Deja vu, anyone ? Look at the date )
A state of misery
Digby : Bloggers are part of a revolutionary particpatory democracy
The Ratings Mirage
Cave entrances found on Mars
Beyond a 'speed limit' on mutation, species risk extinction
Semidi's Nodes decided to list WordPress political blogs. How's that for a link summary to brighten your day ?

Evidence : Patrick Leahy statement on FISA legislative process

Executive Order
Strips responsibility for reporting illegal activity

The Democratic Candidates and Civil Liberties

And I even have a 'geek news source' at I Started Something with some Windoze news

Sunday 2 March - First Notes from the Web

Mar 19 Iraq War Blogswarm
war without comment
Gates urges limits on Turkish raids
( Looking ridiculous without even trying : "Do as I say, not as I do". Which isn't the same as saying it's a bad idea. )
The World According to American Goy
Ordinary Men : Reserve Police Batallion 101 and the war in Iraq
The truth about mutual funds "Funds that impose no cost to purchase have outperformed those that brokers pay themselves to find for their clients."
Scott Ritter on the Israeli lobby influence on the United States
Wexler is still working to impeach Cheney
Project to resettle Iraqi allies
Hat Tip Rubber Hose
Health 08 Org
New asbestos exposure limit for U.S. mine workers
Invisible Opportunity
Bush Administration ignores 48,000 messages to protect Baca National Wildlife Refuge
Oil wars Pentagon policy since 1999
Deaths halt diabetes study
Fascism : You really think it'll be this obvious ?
Doomsday Seed Vault in the Arctic : Bill Gates, Rockefeller and the GMO giants know something we don't
....Seeds of Destruction book notes
You Think You Are Free ?
70 mpg ?
( I would have quipped at "The Trick is not to mind it" post - but TypePad acted up. Amanda's "The Price of Right" - which she took time out from blogging to write - should include "Moving the Overton Window" ; making the outrageous seem reasonable. Fallacies should be recognized by the victim of those techniques as well. Propaganda and Mind Control work best on the unprepared. )
Home Schooling at risk in California
( The state has such a wonderful record in raising orphans : the stats for criminal activity for the adults who were state wards as children is quite a jump over being raised in a family atmosphere. Hitler Youth, however, must be 'programmed' and deprived of the knowledge which leads to informed choice. ) Hat Tip Breaking News
9/11attacks made up, says French actress, Oscar-winner

Sunday 2 March - Surfing Finds

Reversing the partisan prism of authenticity ( identity politics )
framing goodness
Chronicle of Lost Liberties
The nature of our beast is greed
30 years of pride Down Under
democracy cannot stand another 9/11
GAO : a critical challenge facing our nation
Gaza issues toxic water warning
Losing a Voice
Military Religious Freedom Foundation
Last Left Turn B4 Hooterville
"Say it Loud - I'm Liberal and I'm Proud" ( Alicia on one of her too-rare "tell-it-like-it-is" rants : Obama's 'triangulation' getting her p.o.'d about the frame. )
Think Progress
CBS News ignores Iraqi refugee crisis
Rove : Iraq redeployment would cause oil prices to shoot to $200 a barrel
( Don't just read the headline : comments are vital )
Flashback : McCain repeatedly lobbied FCC on behalf of campaign contributors
Credit card market a potential disaster in waiting
DoJ refuses to enforce contempt citations
Visas halted for Iraq and Afghan translators
Gender Buzz
Keeping your ride can be safer
Texas farmers enlist Asian cockroaches to protect crops
The Zoo
Middle East Turmoil
The fat lady sings

3 March BlogRoaming

The Schools the Taleban won't torch
How to lose the Brain Race
Blog Reader Project
Reframing the misnamed 'Global War on Terror'
elBaredei and Iran's nukes
Security,Prosperity and America's Purpose
"Terrorism : A Brief for Americans"
Prospects for Peace
"Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst"
Obama and Israel : Missing the Point
Bush/GOP Reich loves Big Oil
And yes, I Do take it personally
Bill Moyers Journal : Rick Karr on government secrecy ( PBS video )
Communications trade group opposed to amnesty
Reconstitution 2.0
Lebanon/Hamas/Hezbollah/Israel dustup v2.0?
War with Iran File
Monte Asbury's Blog
( Christian counterpoint to the Legions of Hell )
Why the US and Russia care about Kosovo ( You'll never hear this on Faux News )
Selling snake-oil to the Christian Right ?
Is Obama more style than substance ? We consult
Ecuador breaks off Columbian ties in Andean crisis BGRS has comments on this story
Nixon, Cheney and LeDeluge
Darwin was wrong about wild origin of chicken
Live cells detect food-borne pathogens, toxins
Blogging's good for your health

4 March - Morning News

Internet Explorer 8 will follow web standards by default
( Opera in particular used to complain MSN for example was coded so as not to resolve properly. These days I have to think about the last time I used the main on MSN, Netscape or Yahoo ! BTW If you've never 'gone around to the back' at Google...try it ! )
Greenpeace Australia - News
Columbia says FARC wanted to make radioactive bomb
( Ever looked at Depleted Uranium ? )
Live Bookmarks - Firefox
Add feeds to Google reader in Internet Explorer 7
United States cuts aid to Bosnian Serb party
( Kosovo might have something to do with that ! )
Iran hit with more UN sanctions
Sanctions target government but Iran shoppers feel the pinch
( In North Korea food shortage is chronic. In Iraq, again there is food and water shortage - hundreds of thousands of children died during the years of sanctions before the latest U.S. - initiated change of government. The U.S. has a versatile arsenal of available 'persuasion'. )
Somalis protest after U.S. missile attack
OAS to hold emergency meeting on South American crisis ( the plot thickens )
Police ambushed in Paris suburb
The very model of a modern business mogul
It's so much worse than you think Economy
Cleaner water with a wand
Pavement changes weed seeds
Are immune system molecules brain builders - and destroyers ?
The Earth has more than one North Pole
Lunar eclipse may shed light on climate change
The Semantic Web
Emodied Cognition
Raising our collective consciousness
New 'snapshots' aid quest for fusion energy
PG&E starts getting gas from manure ( A positive trade-off : methane is much more a 'greenhouse gas' than CO2 )
The Indispensible Man
My Forbidden Fruits ( and Vegetables )

4 Mar News Update

How to Read Music
Are immune system molecules brain builders - and destroyers ?
( Autism skyrocketing immediately is suggested because of environmental pollution with exotic substances : instead of vaccines as most suspicious circumstance? )
Laundry Nuts
Natural News
EPA, American Chemistry Council conspire to remove toxicologist Deborah Rice from panel of flame retardant safety
Common prostate cancer treatment causes cancer to spread throughout the body
British study links radiation to heart disease
Economist's View
Bernanke : Banks need to write down loans
The Confused Talk Express ( McCain )
Loyalty Oaths??? California State University fires Quaker for altering oath to reflect her faith
"Methusalah" mutation linked to longer life
Affairs of the lips : why we kiss
Television addiction is no mere metaphor
Question Box brings info to village from Internet with one button
Economic Objectorvism
Oil prices aren't going anywhere
GM's kids are moving back home
Students for a Democratic Society ( Book : the prof has thoughts )
Penny Arcade
Gold can be made magnetic on the nanoscale through oxygenation
Earth's rotation may account for wayward spacecraft
Meme Mashup
Links to edublogs
Police seize $220m of mafia goods
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