Music Special : Five Great Auditory Illusions
National Association of Broadcasters spent $64million+ lobbying to convince regulators XM Sirius deal would create a radio monopoly
States barred from protecting consumers from defective medical devices
Bacteria use 'invisibility cloak' to hide from human immune system
Amazon corridors far too narrow
Land Rights and Ownership
Gaza diary : Sewage on our doorstep
Waking up teens
Mountain Runner
Terrorist or Nationalist ?
Food insecurity in Iraq
When riding a dead horse, you should dismount
For the homeless,keys to a home
Afghanistan - Korengal Valley "...since 9/11,the US and NATO have used air power as a substitute for ground troops" ( in a phrase, the guarantee of tactical failure to produce anything but continued Afghan deaths )
Straight talk on Afghanistan
Worldwide Sawdust
( This is a great site with a crummy layout. Do not assume the page has not loaded. You have to scroll down to find the goodies. )
"Thought for the Day" Robert Scheer
How easy it is to claim to champion human rights when you exempt your own country from judgment. When did the US ever care about human rights in Cuba, or anywhere else in Latin America before Castro, if those rights conflicted with the rape of the region's resources ? And what a mockery we have made of the cause of democratic rule when our President, twice elected by the people, has created one of the world's most fearsome symbols of torture on the US "liberated" territory of Guantanamo, Cuba"
( Now that's not fair. Vote suppression, ballot fraud and Supreme Court chicanery were all necessary to violate the electoral process sufficiently to front the fraud that Bush was elected. See Bradblog.)
Olbermann timeline : How the Bush administration exploited terror threats for political gain
Battle company is out there ( that NYT story )
After war, new battle to become citizens ( Wasn't Heinlein right ? )
The myth of the surge ( I recall BlueGirlRedState being scathing about that label before it started )
The Real McCain : Senator gets millions from lobbyist "friends" ( It's good enough for Hillary )
Now the Pentagon tells Bush : climate change will destroy us Guardian
( I was ready to pooh the time line - knowing an ice free Arctic likely by 2013. Then I saw the part about sea level rising starting next year. O.K. Realism )
Waterboarding is focus of Justice Department inquiry
Debunking the right's false notions of energy, the environment and economics
How to stay in Iraq for the next million years
Spain's Abengoa to build 280-Megawatt solar plant in US
( I rebel at calling them that. "Wrong" or "Reich" now,..."Liar's Club" works for me. Too harsh. Ha!
Framing Overton Window Media Control)
'Debunking' links
The devil's advocate
Juno talks back to the King of California
Clusterfuck Nation
Dropping Shoes
"The fall of Britain's Northern Rock bank may be the first dropped shoe in a chorus line of big banks dancing into oblivion."
My Two Cents
Cults, Campaigns, and Candidates
The Daily Reckoning
There will be blood
"Gold at $1000/oz" "The next crisis will be over food"
"The only way to lock in triple-digit gains"
Gold : for less than one penny per ounce
Just an Earth-bound misfit
Seen around the Internets
It's called 'history'. Learn some of it.
( Yep. I can see how BGRS can relate to this one. 'Tude. The header makes me smile. Hat Tip for the following link )
Department of Malicious Falsehoods
Girls and technology : What Next
Rollin',rollin',rollin' boy my blogroll's swollen
This worries me a lot more than Nader does
24 February - More BlogRoaming + News
National Association of Broadcasters spent $64million+ lobbying to convince regulators XM Sirius deal would create a radio monopoly
States barred from protecting consumers from defective medical devices
Bacteria use 'invisibility cloak' to hide from human immune system
Amazon corridors far too narrow
Land Rights and Ownership
Gaza diary : Sewage on our doorstep
Waking up teens
Mountain Runner
Terrorist or Nationalist ?
Food insecurity in Iraq
When riding a dead horse, you should dismount
For the homeless,keys to a home
Afghanistan - Korengal Valley "...since 9/11,the US and NATO have used air power as a substitute for ground troops" ( in a phrase, the guarantee of tactical failure to produce anything but continued Afghan deaths )
Straight talk on Afghanistan
Worldwide Sawdust
( This is a great site with a crummy layout. Do not assume the page has not loaded. You have to scroll down to find the goodies. )
"Thought for the Day" Robert Scheer
How easy it is to claim to champion human rights when you exempt your own country from judgment. When did the US ever care about human rights in Cuba, or anywhere else in Latin America before Castro, if those rights conflicted with the rape of the region's resources ? And what a mockery we have made of the cause of democratic rule when our President, twice elected by the people, has created one of the world's most fearsome symbols of torture on the US "liberated" territory of Guantanamo, Cuba"
( Now that's not fair. Vote suppression, ballot fraud and Supreme Court chicanery were all necessary to violate the electoral process sufficiently to front the fraud that Bush was elected. See Bradblog.)
Olbermann timeline : How the Bush administration exploited terror threats for political gain
Battle company is out there ( that NYT story )
After war, new battle to become citizens ( Wasn't Heinlein right ? )
The myth of the surge ( I recall BlueGirlRedState being scathing about that label before it started )
The Real McCain : Senator gets millions from lobbyist "friends" ( It's good enough for Hillary )
Now the Pentagon tells Bush : climate change will destroy us Guardian
( I was ready to pooh the time line - knowing an ice free Arctic likely by 2013. Then I saw the part about sea level rising starting next year. O.K. Realism )
Waterboarding is focus of Justice Department inquiry
Debunking the right's false notions of energy, the environment and economics
How to stay in Iraq for the next million years
Spain's Abengoa to build 280-Megawatt solar plant in US
( I rebel at calling them that. "Wrong" or "Reich" now,..."Liar's Club" works for me. Too harsh. Ha!
Framing Overton Window Media Control)
'Debunking' links
The devil's advocate
Juno talks back to the King of California
Clusterfuck Nation
Dropping Shoes
"The fall of Britain's Northern Rock bank may be the first dropped shoe in a chorus line of big banks dancing into oblivion."
My Two Cents
Cults, Campaigns, and Candidates
The Daily Reckoning
There will be blood
"Gold at $1000/oz" "The next crisis will be over food"
"The only way to lock in triple-digit gains"
Gold : for less than one penny per ounce
Just an Earth-bound misfit
Seen around the Internets
It's called 'history'. Learn some of it.
( Yep. I can see how BGRS can relate to this one. 'Tude. The header makes me smile. Hat Tip for the following link )
Department of Malicious Falsehoods
Girls and technology : What Next
Rollin',rollin',rollin' boy my blogroll's swollen
This worries me a lot more than Nader does
24 February - More BlogRoaming + News
Turkey's Iraq excursion - Barzani draws the line
Going Green
Changing my daily face washing routine ( water saving )
Stickin' it to the Pan
( Whoops. She didn't know that crap was toxic. Huh. Glassware has problems too.
Used to be hospitals used stainless urinals and aluminum pans : I have a problem understanding that. Me ? Mostly, I use stainless steel, thank you. Iron is very porous: though it's great for browning.
I'm not virtuous. I still use some bacon and occasionally char broil with briquettes in a smoker. I'm not vegan : humans are omnivorous by nature. One local in particular finds it odd I eat some fish. This is cattle country.)
Nutrition is a many-splendored thing
Substitutes for baking ingredients
Singing all over this land
Is clear channel selling off to Blue investors ?
Bush : "No compromise...Gimme my cover-up"
Those loveable Serbs
Without record harvests every year, we will see famines
The failures of auctioning the shitpile ( Auction Rate security : economic collapse )
U.S. missile hits spy satellite
Future oil wars --- for kids !
The future -- today ! ( Vallejo, California bankrupt )
South Africa collapsing ?
It's too late to protect your ARS
Economic Trend Analysis
Bank of America asks Congress for a $739 Billion bank bailout
Evidence of 'walking away' in WaMu mortgage pool
Credit card reform is coming
Ambac bailout hopes excite bulls
Aging Air Force fleet must be modernized quickly
( On whose dime ? )
UK house price growth slows to a halt
Mens of recession seen in economy NZ
Rising inflation causes unease in Middle East
Bankers get three years prison for Enron role
Shady web underworld seeks multiligual hackers
Rich rivers of black gold in the pipeline
The science behind the law of attraction
( Sounds as 'scientific' as 'Cargo Cult' )
No doubt about it
Nader's bid will change US race
Obama's money cartel
$4.5 million for a boat nobody wanted
McCain's lobbygate
Marching toward Hell
McCain breaks law...that he wrote
Study suggest radiation from mobile phones changes protein expression in living people
( Those would be the kind using them, right ? )
Kansas storm shots
Network -Mad as Hell
Cool Online Tools
English-to-American Dictionary
All your base are belong to us
John McCain is legally too old for most important jobs
Going Green
Changing my daily face washing routine ( water saving )
Stickin' it to the Pan
( Whoops. She didn't know that crap was toxic. Huh. Glassware has problems too.
Used to be hospitals used stainless urinals and aluminum pans : I have a problem understanding that. Me ? Mostly, I use stainless steel, thank you. Iron is very porous: though it's great for browning.
I'm not virtuous. I still use some bacon and occasionally char broil with briquettes in a smoker. I'm not vegan : humans are omnivorous by nature. One local in particular finds it odd I eat some fish. This is cattle country.)
Nutrition is a many-splendored thing
Substitutes for baking ingredients
Singing all over this land
Is clear channel selling off to Blue investors ?
Bush : "No compromise...Gimme my cover-up"
Those loveable Serbs
Without record harvests every year, we will see famines
The failures of auctioning the shitpile ( Auction Rate security : economic collapse )
U.S. missile hits spy satellite
Future oil wars --- for kids !
The future -- today ! ( Vallejo, California bankrupt )
South Africa collapsing ?
It's too late to protect your ARS
Economic Trend Analysis
Bank of America asks Congress for a $739 Billion bank bailout
Evidence of 'walking away' in WaMu mortgage pool
Credit card reform is coming
Ambac bailout hopes excite bulls
Aging Air Force fleet must be modernized quickly
( On whose dime ? )
UK house price growth slows to a halt
Mens of recession seen in economy NZ
Rising inflation causes unease in Middle East
Bankers get three years prison for Enron role
Shady web underworld seeks multiligual hackers
Rich rivers of black gold in the pipeline
The science behind the law of attraction
( Sounds as 'scientific' as 'Cargo Cult' )
No doubt about it
Nader's bid will change US race
Obama's money cartel
$4.5 million for a boat nobody wanted
McCain's lobbygate
Marching toward Hell
McCain breaks law...that he wrote
Study suggest radiation from mobile phones changes protein expression in living people
( Those would be the kind using them, right ? )
Kansas storm shots
Network -Mad as Hell
Cool Online Tools
English-to-American Dictionary
All your base are belong to us
John McCain is legally too old for most important jobs
Quick Update - 29 February
If you are new here after having a look at the new StumbleUpon listing, this is Oldephartte's answer to delisting by WordPress ; a new site with links laid out by category rather than a simple alphabetical listing. The Media Trendmap viewed in a browser set to allow use of its live links in an especially interesting look at the overall organization of the web ( First item in "Utilities" ).
NuZs will take you to news about the geographic area selected.
Just a few StumbleUpon finds
Defeat move to permanently censor wikileaks - Support First Amendment appeal
Americans are brainwashed
Americans look like mindless idiots
29 February - a few hot blogs
Blue Girl Red State
Generation Chickenhawk - the first member of the Royal family to see combat since World War One
It's the procurement fraud, stupid ( criminal investigations near triple figures )
The nightowl newswrap
Like father, like son
The Existentialist Cowboy
Over one in one hundred Americans is in prison
John McCain's 10,000 years of war
Mourning Iraqis blame U.S. troops for massacre of children
Official Conspiracy Theory called "Dogma of Political Correctness"
Official Conspiracy Theory belived only 'by hypocrites and fools'
Why Bush made plans to invade the Netherlands
US cops go out of control : US citizens no longer safe
An epidemic of police thuggery first seen in police-occupied New Orleans
An open letter from Barack Obama to the LGBT community
Obama leading in Texas
Another drugged, inebriated, bigoted GOP pervert bites the dust
What more can we do to ruin our military ?
Lloyd Doggett question Pentagon on Afghanistan shortages
Army Chief of Staff General Casey backs up Obama's statement
"Someone else's fault"
Dodd endorses Obama
Obama lead in national polls 51% - 39%
Clinton donors worried by campaign spending
Economic Objectorvism
Dear Sir : we believe we can cure your diabetes. However, we may have also given you HIV...
The NEJM discusses why the government can't do...anything ?
Drinking water in Beijing. Or, if the mountain won't come to Mohammad ...?
Drinking water diversion threatens the lives of millions of farmers
Mazda : William McDonough called...
How to kepp an AUD30Bn surplus...
Want to get more people on public transport ? Facilitate more driving
Did John Edwards have an advantage all along?
The bacon limit : the corner of diminshing marginal utility
A softer world
Politics 'n Poetry
Parliamentary attack on women's rights
This is way better than an Oscar!
Scandal still growing ( AEC )
A sneak attack on women's rights
Chalk River : 'Crisis foreseeable and preventable'
Ten Percent
UK Court gags Ben Griffin, SAS torture whistleblower
Rich thieving scum swine
Gunboat diplomacy
Royal tradition of killing poor foreigners continues
Another journalist swallowed into the gulag
War criminal loses job
US backed regime refused to withdraw from occupied territories
3 weeks until the blogswarm
ExSAS soldier reveals extent of torture
Tesco pulls an Enron
Robots of projection
Cover Ups
NeoCon AEI advance Iranian influence meme
Gitmo-torturer's blues
Gitmo torture tapes not wiped
Generation Chickenhawk - the first member of the Royal family to see combat since World War One
It's the procurement fraud, stupid ( criminal investigations near triple figures )
The nightowl newswrap
Like father, like son
The Existentialist Cowboy
Over one in one hundred Americans is in prison
John McCain's 10,000 years of war
Mourning Iraqis blame U.S. troops for massacre of children
Official Conspiracy Theory called "Dogma of Political Correctness"
Official Conspiracy Theory belived only 'by hypocrites and fools'
Why Bush made plans to invade the Netherlands
US cops go out of control : US citizens no longer safe
An epidemic of police thuggery first seen in police-occupied New Orleans
An open letter from Barack Obama to the LGBT community
Obama leading in Texas
Another drugged, inebriated, bigoted GOP pervert bites the dust
What more can we do to ruin our military ?
Lloyd Doggett question Pentagon on Afghanistan shortages
Army Chief of Staff General Casey backs up Obama's statement
"Someone else's fault"
Dodd endorses Obama
Obama lead in national polls 51% - 39%
Clinton donors worried by campaign spending
Economic Objectorvism
Dear Sir : we believe we can cure your diabetes. However, we may have also given you HIV...
The NEJM discusses why the government can't do...anything ?
Drinking water in Beijing. Or, if the mountain won't come to Mohammad ...?
Drinking water diversion threatens the lives of millions of farmers
Mazda : William McDonough called...
How to kepp an AUD30Bn surplus...
Want to get more people on public transport ? Facilitate more driving
Did John Edwards have an advantage all along?
The bacon limit : the corner of diminshing marginal utility
A softer world
Politics 'n Poetry
Parliamentary attack on women's rights
This is way better than an Oscar!
Scandal still growing ( AEC )
A sneak attack on women's rights
Chalk River : 'Crisis foreseeable and preventable'
Ten Percent
UK Court gags Ben Griffin, SAS torture whistleblower
Rich thieving scum swine
Gunboat diplomacy
Royal tradition of killing poor foreigners continues
Another journalist swallowed into the gulag
War criminal loses job
US backed regime refused to withdraw from occupied territories
3 weeks until the blogswarm
ExSAS soldier reveals extent of torture
Tesco pulls an Enron
Robots of projection
Cover Ups
NeoCon AEI advance Iranian influence meme
Gitmo-torturer's blues
Gitmo torture tapes not wiped
29 February - Friday evening surfing
On NBC, 'expertise' means getting Iraq wrong
Huckabee : The Religious Right is alive
Jim Miller on Politics
( Interesting : in the sidebar - a number of links indexed "vote fraud" )
Debunking 9/11 myths - special report
Freedom of Information Law FAQ Hat Tip
Quaker Agitator
The Swiftboating of Barack Obama
Benjamin Heine
Is climate change making us sick ?
Vets break silence on war crimes Hat Tip
The People's Voice
Wikileaks and Internet Censorship - a comparative study
Urban Dictionary
TV show pitch generator
3D Battle Ball
Social Bookmarking Traffic
Official Bike Week Daytona
The megalomaniacal Matt Drudge endangered Prince Harry's life
Inexpensive solar cells made more efficient with new sensitizers
ID theft factory found in Canada
Useless applications
Ensure a fast internet connection when you need it
So You Hacked Our Site ?
Researchers discover gene that blocks HIV
Dutch university tests windmill for saltwater desalination
Cannibalism may have wiped out Neanderthals
Flexible robotic fin does away with drag
MS Config Cleanup cleans the cobwebs out of Windows startup
Northrop Grumman gets $40Bn deal to replace Air Force tankers
Air tanker deal provokes row
The classroom heard 'round the world
Meme mashup
The best tasting green superfood powder products
Multivitamins : a health hazard ?
Mountain Runner
Talking about OPSEC
New Media and the Air Force
Understanding Information Effects
Intel Dump
Obama and the 39-man rifle platoon (
Medical Identity Theft turns patients into victims
Huckabee : The Religious Right is alive
Jim Miller on Politics
( Interesting : in the sidebar - a number of links indexed "vote fraud" )
Debunking 9/11 myths - special report
Freedom of Information Law FAQ Hat Tip
Quaker Agitator
The Swiftboating of Barack Obama
Benjamin Heine
Is climate change making us sick ?
Vets break silence on war crimes Hat Tip
The People's Voice
Wikileaks and Internet Censorship - a comparative study
Urban Dictionary
TV show pitch generator
3D Battle Ball
Social Bookmarking Traffic
Official Bike Week Daytona
The megalomaniacal Matt Drudge endangered Prince Harry's life
Inexpensive solar cells made more efficient with new sensitizers
ID theft factory found in Canada
Useless applications
Ensure a fast internet connection when you need it
So You Hacked Our Site ?
Researchers discover gene that blocks HIV
Dutch university tests windmill for saltwater desalination
Cannibalism may have wiped out Neanderthals
Flexible robotic fin does away with drag
MS Config Cleanup cleans the cobwebs out of Windows startup
Northrop Grumman gets $40Bn deal to replace Air Force tankers
Air tanker deal provokes row
The classroom heard 'round the world
Meme mashup
The best tasting green superfood powder products
Multivitamins : a health hazard ?
Mountain Runner
Talking about OPSEC
New Media and the Air Force
Understanding Information Effects
Intel Dump
Obama and the 39-man rifle platoon (
Medical Identity Theft turns patients into victims